Fairfax, VA 11/24 - Protesteasyguns.com counter protest

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tinygnat219 said:

We haven't had the volunteers necessary to man the show at Dale City. Stop on by the booth and we can sign you up right there!

Just ask for TJ (that's me).
Cool. If I can make it to the show I'll stop by! :)
I'll plan on being there - and for once, I wish this wasn't on a weekend, since I work right next door!

Anyone know if there's VCDL support yet? I assume things have been really busy with the elections, and we might get an e-mail soon?

benminer, if you're running the show, what's your take on OC?

I sent it on to Philip, and got a reply from one of the Executive Members. It looks like something is being planned, but the focus was on the elections.

novaDAK, Looking forward to it. I am working the show on Friday afternoon, I won't be around on Saturday, and I might be there on Sunday to help close up.
I sent an email to Mr. Van Cleave and his response was that he would get back to me. While it's likely that a lot of us are VCDL members I want to be clear that I am not trying to make this out to be a VCDL event unless authorized as such. I am merely representing myself as a law-abiding gun owner concered about the passage of useless knee jerk gun laws.

As far as OC goes, I will likely not because I just bought a snappy 5.11 vest but I have no issue with others if they want to. (not that my opinion really should matter one way or the others as far as what others decide to do)
The "OC question": It is a personal decision to OC or CC. If you want to OC, do it, nobody will think anything about it. If you want to CC, same deal. At the last MMM lie-in in Richmond several of us OC'd... C'mon folks, it's not that big of a deal. It's a personal choice and VCDL is not going to tell you one way or the other how you should conduct your affairs concerning carry style.

The "VCDL question": I'm sure VCDL will put out a notice of this event; standing up for gun rights is what VCDL does.. just give it some time to get planned out by the leadership. The elections were the primary focus these last few days so I'm sure we will be hearing more about the MMM lie-in shortly. But, to be fair... we Virginians do not need to be led by the hand if we want to be activists or protest. That's what makes VCDL and especially the NoVA contingent so great. Our networking system is strong, and based on the content of this thread and the one on opencarry.org it's safe to assume there will be more than enough gun activists present w/o VCDL even lifting a finger or putting out an alert.
Funny thing about MMM and other anti's.

If they are SO CERTAIN that guns (and gun owners) are evil and out of control then why do they stick around when the open-carry people show up?

You'd think they'd flee the area in a panic, desperately searching for a cop to protect them, but they don't. In fact they often get indignant and sometimes quite aggressive.

Wow, aggressive towards someone doing open carry, someone who is OBVIOUSLY armed. I thought they believed that such a person would just "open fire" at the slightest provocation and yet the MMM types will stand there and try to "push buttons".

Can it be that they don't really believe that armed people are actually enough of a danger that they should leave? Hrmmmm, a definite glitch in logic there.
I didn't really mean anything by anything -

-In my experience OC is a sore subject with some CC proponents. Not looking to open that debate, just testing the waters to see who's who here. I've never picketed anything before, but I'm pretty sure the object is not to offend your fellow picketers' sensibilities.

-I also don't think we should be spoonfed by the VCDL. There are two reasons I asked - one, the e-mail updates are great resource which should be used, and two, it seems like every time something like this goes on, they send notice about 30 hours before the event and I can't plan around it. This one I can plan for, I know they know about it, and if we don't get an e-mail soon I'm going to mention to them that better advance warning = better attendance.

-ZeSpectre: that's actually a fantastic point. I hope I get to use it.
It would be great if this could go in the VCDL email alert but but if not then it's not the end of the world. I have the utmost respect for Mr. Van Cleave and all he has done, which is why I said that I do not mean to represent this counter-protest as an VCDL event unless the VCDL leadership endorses it as such. We all have the power to make our voices heard which is what I hope is accomplished by everybody who shows up on the 24th.
I'm going to try to make it out but only to see what's going on. And for backup if the SHTF :eek::evil::D:scrutiny:;)
BTW guys, I just had an epiphany. Maybe you could capitalize on the fact they're lying down.

Example: 'Go ahead and lie down, that's what Cho wanted'

You all could probably come up with a better sign slogan, but that's what comes to mind.
Large sign - 2 sheets of posterboard

This is what you get
when you deny students
the only EFFECTIVE means
of self-defense against
a killer

with large diagonal arrow pointing down towards liars-in. Mounted on an 8-ft long pole with 2 cross-braces.

I will DEF be there. I saw their website and got flaming pissed off within seconds. I like skidmark's idea for the poster board!
I've been trying to figure out how to work the whole "you're turning us all into victims" angle, and that's just about right.

I would probably drop the "against a killer" at the end. Our argument works equally well against rapists.
has anybody noticed that this org is mainly women?

how dare they wear those VT color ribbons. I doubt not one of them knew one of the victims...I did.

It is in bad taste to exploit a tragedy like what happened at VT to push their unamerican and unconstitutional agenda.
skidmark's poster idea is genius, using their own people. I think it would be extremely effective, and have greater impact than their own 'lie-in' by itself would. Amplified effect, turning an anti to a pro-carry message, and the antis foot the bill for the costumes and setup.

People need to get the message that it's the very gun control laws the anti-gunners are advocating that made the VT massacre possible
I agree. If we can somehow get mixed in among their ranks, we can turn this event in our favor. Everyone is dressed in black which can easily be done. Our message would also be equally effective if we can give out flyers with our message. (Their version: http://www.protesteasyguns.com/Docs/fact Sheet.doc)

Date and Time from their website:
Fairfax-32 (Fairfax, Virginia, November 24, 3pm, Fairfax Corner)

I also think wearing the Virginia Tech colors will also show that we aren't all heartless "gun nuts". I certainly know I will be wearing my school colors. From their Protest letter #2 (http://www.protesteasyguns.com/Docs/ProtestLetter02.doc

"Please WEAR BLACK. Pants work better than skirts! We have remembrance ribbons that are maroon/gold (VA tech colors) for each of us to wear."

Get it right ****** bags, Virginia Tech is Orange and Maroon.


Poster idea:

174 Shots
9 Minutes
4 Rooms
0 Armed citizens
Last edited:
0 Armed victims

0 Armed resistors? citizens?

I wouldn't go with "armed victims". Part of our argument is that citizens should get a choice: be a victim, or refuse to be a victim.

We argue against the disarmament policy at VT because it strips that choice away. You will be a victim so that fellow students may have the illusion of safety.
if I make it there I'll be wearing a VT cap, VT t-shirt, and have a VT magnet on the tailgate of my pickup. (I kinda jumped the gun when applying to colleges last year by buying all this VT stuff...ended up at GMU but my brother's at VT so I still feel like a part of the school for how many times I've been down there with his friends...I've lost count... :D )
174 Shots
9 Minutes
4 Rooms
0 Armed citizens

I love this except perhaps I would change the last line to "No Armed Resistance" followed by GUNS CAN SAVE LIVES.
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