FAL chest rig/quick bag suggestions

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Nov 19, 2003
proud to be in AZ
Based on the supposition that I may actually get an FAL clone sometime in the future, the next natural thing is to have some sort of minimalist chest rig/quick grab bag item with a few magazines/etc., in it for some sort of unspecified emergency, or for the distinct and very real possibility the AZ State Guard might get our lift off this year from paper to reality.
So what gear,( does NOT have to be the latest high speed/low drag "tactical operator" stuff), would work well for 4-8 FAL mags and maybe some extras, that doesn't crush the back or the bank, and goes well with Rhodesian camo? ;) OK, that last part isn't 100% necessary...even though Rhodesian would work very well here in the high desert. :)
If you want a chest rig you're, most likely, going to have to piece it together yourself. Pick out whatever style MOLLE vest gives you a warm fuzzy and then start mag shopping for M14 mag pouches. I really, really, really recommend that you drive to your local high speed, low drag mall ninja retail shop and try on the different style/brand vests available so you have an idea what sort of vest will work for you; then shop online for the best deal on the type vest you want.
Us FAL folks got lucky that the M14 has been drug out of the back room and sent back over seas as a DMR and the tacticool types are making modern style mag pouches for it. You can find them with all the velcro, bungie cords, stackable, modular, etc. features that a guy could ask for.


Thank you, a kind link got me what I was looking for. Not looking for mall ninja stuff at all, really, that repro Rhodie rig would do just fine just to have something around JIC. Too old and fat to do mall ninja stuff, beside, last time I checked, you have to have an AR-15 with $4,000 in accessories to qualify as mall ninja, or a Mosin with a duct taped flashlight. :D
Not sure about prices, but Tactical Tailor was pretty popular with the guys in the army. They are local here, they make real fine gear too. They may have a minimalist rig.

An army Molle vest will also work, there is a way to wear it backwards that has the mag pouches right on the chest. Any Molle mag pouch will work, or an Alice one with a Molle adapter.

So there's a couple other options.
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