Family's Halloween horror

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Oct 2, 2003
This really, really gets me mad.
I used to live in queens, a couple of miles away from where it happened.
If NYC only had a real CCW law...

New York Daily News -
Real horror show
Sunday, November 2nd, 2003

Horrifying was the only way to describe her Halloween.
Adilia Guiterrez, 26, had spent the evening at the bedside of her fiance, Ricky Hosein, 24, who was slashed and stabbed in the arm and back with a knife defending his family from a gang of costumed thugs in Queens.

"'Thank God I'm alive,'" he whispered to her from his hospital bed, Guiterrez said yesterday.

"He could have died," she said. "He was bleeding all over the concrete."

Late last night, cops announced an arrest in the case. A 15-year-old boy, whose name was not released because of his age, was charged with attempted murder and assault.

"He did the actual stabbing," a police spokeswoman said. "They're still looking for others, but he's the one we wanted."

Guiterrez, Hosein and their daughters, one 6 and the other 10 months, had been out trick-or-treating near their home on 184th St. in Hollis when they encountered the hooligans.

A teenager wearing a Halloween costume threw an egg at them, police said.

Guiterrez said she deflected it with her arm before it could hit the baby, Sierra, in her stroller.

"I got splashed and I yelled at them, 'How are you going to throw an egg at a baby?'" Guiterrez recalled saying. "Ricky then went over to confront them."

As he did, several other youths gathered around and ignored Hosein when he demanded to know which one threw the egg.

Minutes later, when Hosein began to walk away, he was hit squarely in the back with another egg. He then turned to face the group, and was hit by a glass bottle, his fiance said.

The group then jumped Hosein, pummeling him with punches and kicks, Guiterrez said. Someone knifed him.

"All of them just piled on top of him," she said. "I didn't know if I should leave the kids. I didn't know they had a weapon."

When Guiterrez did approach the melee, the youths fled, leaving Hosein bleeding on the sidewalk from three stab wounds, pieces of the attackers' costumes scattered around him, cops said.

"We needed help, and people rushed over with cell phones and paper towels," Guiterrez said. "People get jumped in this neighborhood all the time."

Hosein, a former woodworker, was rushed to Mary Immaculate Hospital where he underwent surgery, Guiterrez said. A hospital spokeswoman said he was in stable condition yesterday and was expected to recover.

Still shaken by the stabbing yesterday, Guiterrez described her fiance as a good man who cares for his family. She vowed never to take part in Halloween again, a pledge heartbreakingly echoed by her 6-year-old daughter.

"I am not going trick-or-treating again," Felicia Guiterrez said.

With the rising frequency of eggings by teenagers, particularly around Halloween, the .gov should require that you be at least 21, pass ID and background checks, pay a $10 fee, and mandate cooling off periods and require that a lock be sold with every carton of eggs. It's obvious that eggs in the hands of children lead them to commit violence against innocent people, so we need to do something for the children.

All joking aside, I hope he recovers quickly and the attackers are put into the prison system for the maximum time allowed. Although, given the fact that the attacker was 15, he'll probably just spend 3 years in juvenile detention. If only NYC really allowed its' citizens the right to defend their lives.

Yeah but you would have the anti's defending the 15y.o. boy if he was shot by a 24y.o. man, saying something along the lines of "that's why we have gun control in NY. To stop 15 y.o. kids from getting shot by grown men."

But I'm all for positive CCW laws for the citizens.
Good tactical lesson here:

Don't confront a gang of hoods over an egging. Swallow your pride, and get away from the animals -- particularly when out with your fiancee, six-year-old and ten-month-old.

First rule to winning a fight - BE SOMEWHERE ELSE!
I agree with Mpayne. It seems like the victim here let his anger get the best of him.

I probably would have too, though.
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