Fascinating Daily Kos gun control article

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Jun 10, 2008
Think you'll find this interesting. For some perverse reason, I've been reading gun control threads on the Daily Kos (know thine enemy). I was somewhat surprised since both sides of the issue are presented with, in most cases, clarity and a surprising lack of emotional outbursts.


Be sure to look at the comments - that's the interesting part

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Ha Ha! Good way to defuse the gun control argument by returning it to the 'state/county level. Bad way from the anti perspective - because THEN THERE WOULDN'T BE ANY - at least not in the 2A supportive states.

Thats why you won't see that strategy implemented anytime soon.
Other than being a year old, what struck me most about the article was that he didn't want ME to have a gun because he didn't think that HE could be trusted with one.

Typical elitist, assuming that he is my better. It must come as a hellova suprise to contemplate that tens of thousands of folks walk around armed every day without mowing down the fool in the car in front of them.
Interesting. I normally can't stomach the Daily Kos. I was able to read most of this without wanting to throw up.

Draconian gun-control legislation is a hallmark of the Democratic party. They have absolutely no respect for the RKBA. Never have, never will. Any gun-owner who supports them is selling out his/her 2nd Amendment rights.

...and it's not just the RKBA. I'm diametrically opposed to them on nearly every issue that is near and dear to my heart.

To them, we are "right-wing extremists". They fear us more than they fear Al-Queda. Just read the latest Department of Homeland Security report and you will know EXACTLY how they feel about us.
True enough - I was just shocked to find any rational comments at all
Ugh. read all 269 comments. I now have to cope with needing Hoppes "aromatherapy."

The most frightening thing i culled out of that was nonw of the antis realized that they all want illegal things made more illegal. Sell stolen weapons to criminals--illegal. Criminals buying guns, also illegal. Arming yourself with any weapon with intent to commit crime--still illegal, just like it has been for the last few centuries.

Rather chilling were those perfectly willing to presume that any person owning firearms was ipso facto a criminal. Makes the philoshical leap to registration and confiscation easy, I imagine.

I have learned one thingm though. When they trot out the various groupthink stats like 20 or 30,000 firearm murders per year in the US. Do not argue their number (they heard the lie too many times--you are pointing at the sunrise and saying "West! West!" to their ears). No, the better thing is to point out that 90% of their number were committed by felons; 1% is nutcases; the remainder split between crimes of passion and suicide. If they are not of "I could not own a gun if my life depended upon it" croud, the reality of 90% felons can sink in. Sadly, only "can."
Kos is a derogatory word in Farsi to refer to the reproductive orifice of the female anatomy.

Somehow it seems to fit in this instance.
Holy crap! A liberal writes a levelheaded, even tempered defense of gun owners' positions to other liberals, and we still rip it to shreds!

Sure, it didn't start that way, and I thank TnG27 for presenting the article to us respectfully. But man did it devolve from there..."elitist", "frightening/chilling", vaginal (thanks so much for that last one)...

Sure there were some messed up comments, but there were also a lot of common-sense and pro-gun comments, a high amount of civility amongst the commentors, and I thought the blog itself handled the subject quite fairly.

When your opponent is trying to be respectful and understanding of your position, the least you could do is return the courtesy.
It absolutely was NOT a defense of gun rights; it was a defense of shooting for entertainment purposes. When the author declared that nobody should actually walk around armed (because he didn't think that he would be mature enough to do so without getting in trouble), he clearly declared himself to be no friend of the RKBA.

How can you believe otherwise? I'm really curious how you think that espousing a prohibition against their USE outside of controlled recreational settings is a pro-gun stance...
I didn't say the blog was pro-gun, I said it was in defense of the gun owner mentality. A "think about it from their point of view" thing.

I said many of the comments were pro-gun...and they were.

And I read the author's comments about people walking around armed differently from you. It seemed to me that he was saying "I don't trust people to do that...including myself." Not "because I don't trust myself, I don't trust others." You'd have to psychoanalyze him to determine if the comment stemmed from such a conviction.
When somebody tells me that I shouldn't be trusted with a loaded firearm in public (but others, such as police, ostensibly should be), how would you have me describe that other than as elitist?
Um...how about distrusting? Overly cautious? A worry-wart?

The author may in fact be an elitist, but I don't think it takes an elitist mindset to come to a personal conclusion (erroneous or not), that those who have explicit training and professional experience carrying firearms are qualified to do so, and John Q Public, who may or may not have had such things, is not.
Pushing your fears or cautions onto others, and expecting that your perspective is more valid than theirs, is absolutely elitist.

Being cautious is fine. Telling me that I cannot have an effective means of self defense because it makes you uncomfortable is absolutely elitist.

I can think of no other word to capture that hubris.
"The most frightening thing i culled out of that was nonw of the antis realized that they all want illegal things made more illegal. Sell stolen weapons to criminals--illegal. Criminals buying guns, also illegal. Arming yourself with any weapon with intent to commit crime--still illegal, just like it has been for the last few centuries."

love it
Aren't the terms 'liberal', 'progressive', and 'elitist' synonymous?

I'm just one of those slack-jawed yokels the Kos posters are trying to understand: A bitter Bible-thumping white person clinging to my guns.
Aren't the terms 'liberal', 'progressive', and 'elitist' synonymous?

Absolutely not.

To make that statement shows ire, or shortsightedness.

To win the public opinion, we need to work harder and speak plainly and clearly, without malice or frustration.
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