FBI reports violent crime continues to fall

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Feb 3, 2004
FBI reports violent crime continues to fall

Man you would think that after most of the states have changed their laws to "shall issue CCW" that all the extra guns in the streets would have made the crime rates go up ! Isnt that what all the anti's predicted would happen???


I really like this part -
"Attorney General John Ashcroft cited tougher law enforcement methods and stiffer sentences for habitual criminals for driving down the nation’s violent crime rate."

Hey John you dont have a clue -

Bob Adams
I'm not sure Ashcroft's response was unreasonable.

You're right of course about the CCW predictions. That, in my mind, has undoubtedly discouraged crime and has saved many an innocent life. It would have been nice for him to have cited that, but not surprising that he didn't.
“Hardcore criminals are paying unprecedented penalties, and law-abiding Americans are enjoying newfound safety,†Ashcroft said in a statement.
Seems reasonable to me. Haven't we always said that new laws were useless if they didn'e enforce existing laws
Try this sometime: tell a liberal the crime rate is falling.

Go ahead – try it.

Will they say, “Wow, that’s great!â€

Will they jump for joy?

No. A big frown will cover their face.

A falling crime rate is a liberal’s worst nightmare...
You're all wrong.

The crime rate is falling because more and more folks are just too damn lazy to commit any worthwhile crimes. They expect ambitious criminals to steal for them and then have the government tax the criminals and make a sort of welfare payment to them the lazy.

After all, crime is hard work too.

Or maybe everything worth stealing has been stolen and all the women are too ugly to bother raping and all the arseoles are already dead.

Seriously, the improving economy might have somethng to do with it too. Again, a nightmare for liberals.

More folks in the can, aging population, better enforcement, many of the gang bangers are dead...

So many reasons...

PS Wolf they dont weep "real tears".....that would imply honesty....

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