"Feeling safe" vs. BEING safe...

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I know I read it here, but can't remember who wrote it, but...

Having a gun doesn't make me safe, I still may have it taken from me and used to kill me. But they're going to have to beat me to death with it, because it'll be empty by the time they get it.

It is the seatbelt/fire extinguisher analog. Doesn't prevent anything, just improves your odds if a situation occurs.
From being "safe" to being "unsafe" can happen in a matter of a microsecond.

You might not be the target of that gangbanger that just walked into the pub, but then, in the next second, a car could be roaring right doen the street, the driver looking another direction.

Safety is a question worthy of a philosophical discussion.

Glad you appreciated my thoughts, Catherine

Another thing: to me all deaths are not equal. Coming off my horse and breaking my neck is technically just as dead as having someone break into our house, kill me and rape my wife - but the latter to me is much much worse.

It's just a matter of principle, I guess. I can't really explain any better than that.


Tall Pine,

Yes, I understand completely what you are saying. The criminal who did the dirty deed to you and yours is a FAR WORSE type of situation than a 'quick accidental type of death'. In one death - you are an accident victim even though you chose to ride a horse, drive a car, etc. It is sad that you died falling off your horse but it happened.

In the other death, rape and CRIME situation... you and yours are the VICTIMS of the dirty deed. The CRIMINAL did the crime. It is not complicated.

When it comes to CRIME and criminals... DEAD is DEAD. Crime is crime. Rape is rape. Theft is theft. Etc.

Victims are VICTIMS.

Take care.

A firearm is like health and car insurance. Many people will never have a catastrophic health problem or be involved in a serious traffic accident.

But those things DO happen to thousands of people every year, just like thousands of people are the victims of home invasions and other types of armed robbery and violent attack every year.

Not having health/auto insurance, or having inadequate insurance, could ruin you financially.

Not having "insurance", i.e. a firearm, in the case of a violent attack---could put you in the morgue.
My advice:

Don't try to tell someone they should carry a gun because it will make them safer. If they don't want to carry a gun, that's perfectly fine as long they don't try to stop other people from carrying one.
What is safe?

Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) - SAFE
/seɪf/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[seyf] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation adjective, saf·er, saf·est, noun
1. secure from liability to harm, injury, danger, or risk: a safe place.

Safety is false. Consider this - You encase yourself in cement, and are buried 100 feet below ground. What are you safe from?

Well, you're almost impossible to contact by any life form of any kind. This makes typical deaths related to contact with other people impossible (granted, the lengths at which someone will go to do harm can be quite staggering. If someone was so inclined, they could exhume your concrete casket, smash it open, and smash you.. Unlikely, but so is being buried in cement 100feet below ground)
You're impervious to bombs/cataclysmic events for the most part.
Bad weather doesn't matter.
But, one thing you don't have is air, which will kill you.

Safety from one thing typically lends vulnerabilities to another, so the idea that you're ever safe is, in and of itself, a blatant denial of reality.

It's because of this little known fact that I refuse to argue the point of safety, as it is inherently false, and I enjoy being true.

The only reason any of us are alive right now is because we haven't died yet.
Carrying a weapon may just give you that one chance of going home at night. I know folks who carry that say they feel safer but do not plan are watch for situation's going on around them. Some do not even fire there weapons at the range. To be safer is to plan, know what is going on around you and practice.
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