Feinstein corruption worse than Cunningham?

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Jun 10, 2005
I've seen a few articles emerge in the last weeks about Diane Feinstein. Seems she guilty of a conflict of interests. She has resigned her committee postion. Where is the MSM coverage of this?


Feinstein Resigns

Senator exits MILCON following Metro exposé, vet-care scandal

By Peter Byrne

SEN. Dianne Feinstein has resigned from the Military Construction Appropriations subcommittee. As previously and extensively reviewed in these pages, Feinstein was chairperson and ranking member of MILCON for six years, during which time she had a conflict of interest due to her husband Richard C. Blum's ownership of two major defense contractors, who were awarded billions of dollars for military construction projects approved by Feinstein.

As MILCON leader, Feinstein relished the details of military construction, even micromanaging one project at the level of its sewer design. She regularly took junkets to military bases around the world to inspect construction projects, some of which were contracted to her husband's companies, Perini Corp. and URS Corp.

Perhaps she resigned from MILCON because she could not take the heat generated by Metro's expose of her ethics (which was partially funded by the Investigative Fund of the Nation Institute). Or was her work on the subcommittee finished because Blum divested ownership of his military construction and advanced weapons manufacturing firms in late 2005?

The MILCON subcommittee is not only in charge of supervising military construction, it also oversees "quality of life" issues for veterans, which includes building housing for military families and operating hospitals and clinics for wounded soldiers. Perhaps Feinstein is trying to disassociate herself from MILCON's incredible failure to provide decent medical care for wounded soldiers.

Two years ago, before the Washington Post became belatedly involved, the online magazine Salon.com exposed the horrors of deficient medical care for Iraq war veterans. While leading MILCON, Feinstein had ample warning of the medical-care meltdown. But she was not proactive on veteran's affairs.

Feinstein abandoned MILCON as her ethical problems were surfacing in the media, and as it was becoming clear that her subcommittee left grievously wounded veterans to rot while her family was profiting from the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan. It turns out that Blum also holds large investments in companies that were selling medical equipment and supplies and real estate leases—often without the benefit of competitive bidding—to the Department of Veterans Affairs, even as the system of medical care for veterans collapsed on his wife's watch.

As of December 2006, according to SEC filings and www.fedspending.org, three corporations in which Blum's financial entities own a total of $1 billion in stock won considerable favor from the budgets of the Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs:

# Boston Scientific Corporation: $17.8 million for medical equipment and supplies; 85 percent of contracts awarded without benefit of competition.

# Kinetic Concepts Inc.: $12 million, medical equipment and supplies; 28 percent noncompetitively awarded.

# CB Richard Ellis: The Blum-controlled international real estate firm holds congressionally funded contracts to lease office space to the Department of Veterans Affairs. It also is involved in redeveloping military bases turned over to the private sector.

You would think that, considering all the money Feinstein's family has pocketed by waging global warfare while ignoring the plight of wounded American soldiers, she would show a smidgeon of shame and resign from the entire Senate, not just a subcommittee. Conversely, you'd think she might stick around MILCON to try and fix the medical-care disaster she helped to engineer for the vets who were suckered into fighting her and Bush's panoply of unjust wars.

Here's link to a more detailed story.

Something else...

Few if any reporters mention this, but California is a community property state.

That means that this line: "her husband Richard C. Blum's ownership of two major defense contractors" is not accurate.

Barring some sort of pre-nup, she is the legal owner just as much as he is.

Also this: "Blum also holds large investments in companies that were selling medical equipment and supplies and real estate leases—often without the benefit of competitive bidding—to the Department of Veterans Affairs, even as the system of medical care for veterans collapsed on his wife's watch."

She holds the same investments, per California law, unless there was a pre-nup that specified otherwise.

If they are ever divorced, and CA is also a no-fault divorce state, she will get 1/2 of all of those assets.

So it's even worse than it sounds. And yes, it's worse than Cunningham, if all these details are accurate. They've come out in various places, and I believe they are accurate, at least in large part.
Problem is, the Congress is majority Democrat, the Republican President appears to be out of touch with reality, and the Republican Attorney General is a piece of crap.
This is a surprise?

While not a Californian, I have had a strong distrust of D. Feinstein ever since her tenure as mayor of S.F.

She made a big public photo-op deal about how she was turning in her gun (a small S&W IIRC) to comply with the handgun restrictions she got passed in "her" city (which was later struck down by CA courts).

Well, she turned in her gun alright. A close look at CA purchase/permit records revealed one small detail. Feinstein had 2 of them. She made a big deal of turning in 1, and kept the other! A shining example of her elitist nature.
If the Teminator plays his cards right, this may be his opening to start his campaign for California Senator. The down side is KA would trade one antigun Dem for one antigun GOP.:what:
Republican graft, corruption, and nepotism is bad.

Democrat graft, corruption, and nepotism is bad.

Independent/Libertarian/Constitutionalist/Socialist/Green/etc. graft, corruption, and nepotism is bad.

Why can't the MSM figure this out?

It shouldn't matter what party a corrupt politician is, they should be booted, jailed, fined, and disgraced.

Cunningham deserved it, Feinstein looks like she deserves it as well.
And how does this have anything to do with RKBA?

It has to do with the possibility that one of the biggest opponents of the RKBA is getting special treatment from the MSM despite rather significant evidence of wrongdoing.

Gathering intel on one's enemies is an important part of this battle.
And how does this have anything to do with RKBA?

It has everything to do with RKBA, do you not know who this woman is? She is the mother of all gun-grabbing socialists.

Can we raise money to prosecute somebody? Seriously

I've got $100 for a cause like this.
By the way, the description of this forum includes the following:

Get informed on issues affecting the right to keep and bear arms and other civil rights.

I believe that special treatment of one class of individuals over another directly impacts the rights to due process and equal protection.

So, can we all please stop with the mantra of "what does this have to do with the RKBA" since that is NOT all this forum is dedicated to?
Oh man, is that ever a stretch, this thread has nothing to do with gun control and everything to do with bashing a politician people on this board don't like. Excuse me, I thought this was the High road.

I wonder about the moderators on this site, if this was a Republican everyone was bashing than it would be closed immediately, but since its a Democrat it stays open. Sounds like a double standard to me.
Kinda old news... I read about it a couple months ago, via that same "MSM" you're bashing. Keep in mind - they can't keep on repeating the same old stories over and over... How many times have you seen the Cunningham scandal brought back fdrom the dead? I haven't.

That said... Full investigation. Find the payoffs, and if there was any criminal acts, put them ALL in prison...
How many times have you seen the Cunningham scandal brought back fdrom the dead? I haven't.

That's because they hammered the story until Cunningham was out of office and prosecuted. Here, they did the story . . . and then stopped.
Corrupt is corrupt... It doesn't matter if it is considered worse. If she's guilty, she should be removed, and prosecuted. I will never understand how a certain sect of society holds corrupt politicians to any level of esteem. :confused:
My point still stands. This thread has nothing to do with civil rights, and everything to do with bashing a politician. This site reeks of partisanship and double standards. I can hardly call this site the High Road.
I can't believe someone who probably owns guns is defending Feinstein.

Oh here comes the old line that if you don't think like us your an anti. I do not need to defend anyone, but some people on this site only are really only care about making political attacks, instead of discussing the real issue which is RKBA.
My point still stands. This thread has nothing to do with civil rights, and everything to do with bashing a politician. This site reeks of partisanship and double standards. I can hardly call this site the High Road.

Then I presume you are making this comment in the threads on Bush and Gonzales. The latter (a couple if memory serves) are up to several pages. Sort of makes the "this would be locked if it were a Republican" comment BS.

Oh here comes the old line that if you don't think like us your an anti. I do not need to defend anyone, but some people on this site only are really only care about making political attacks, instead of discussing the real issue which is RKBA.

It's also not very High Road to continously assert falsehoods. This forum deals with other civil rights than RKBA, include equal protection and due process. Disparate treatment for similar acts violates both.
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