Feinstein has found her vehicle: AWB2 is near inevitable.

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Nov 6, 2003
As some of you know, H.R.218 WAS RECENTLY passed in the house. This bill allows retired law enforcement officers to carry their CCW to any state under the flag. This bill has tremendous support in the Senate as well.
If the rider for AWB2 is allowed to be plunked into this peice of legislation it's over.

Its totally over, completely burried, a done deal.

10 more years.

It has 70 co sponsors in the Senate, and this peice of legislation WILL PASS. We must concentrate our efforts at blocking any riders attached to this bill. If AWB2 is attached succesfully, its all over. George Bush will sign this into law and gun owners will be yet again slapped in the face.

It is of absolute necessity that you call your Senators TODAY.


Many of us have worked hard for the death of this, and now our work looms so suddenly on the verge of collapse.

* Tell your Senators: "NO" attaching ANY "AWB Extension" onto S.253 (the Senate version of H.R. 218)!



I have called, written, and emailed and will continue to bombard my senators untill this is all over and we are defeated, or victorious.

I will remember in november.

Dont tack this, people tend to ignore tacked messages.
Keep it alive with your responses and support.

This can either be a sunrise, or a sunset. It's up to us to dictate its path now.
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Even if it get's attached in the Senate, it still has to make it through the conference comittee. I am a peace officer and very much in favor of HR 218, but I will urge it's death if any antigun legislation is attached to it.

Moving to Legal and Political....Jeff
The Lawful Commerce in Firearms Act was scuttled because of an AWB renewal, and that bill was far more important to the pro-RKBA community than concealed carry for retired cops. If the rider is attached, the whole thing will crash and burn.

Of course, we ALL need to ensure that this is the case - we all need to keep calling and writing to the vampires that purport to represent us, to make sure that they know that they'll have to find an honest way of making a living if this abomination gets renewed.
The Senate is only half of the Legislature. Such an ammendment won't get attached in the house, nor will it get passed as a seperate bill.

If the Senate attaches the ammendment it will either get removed in committee, or a good piece of legislation will die because they attached garbage to it.

The daily posts about how the AWB renewal is inevitable are really getting irritating.
The Lawful Commerce in Firearms Act was scuttled because of an AWB renewal, and that bill was far more important to the pro-RKBA community than concealed carry for retired cops. If the rider is attached, the whole thing will crash and burn.

I dont think it will crash and burn as it already has tremendous support in the Senate.
I wrote the Texas Senators and urged them to stand up for honest gun owners and reject feinswine's schemes.

If Bush signs another ban into law I predict not only will the Republicans lose the upcoming election they may be out of the political game for good. Too many true conservatives and libertarians are miffed at the current administration and RINOs.

If this piece of garbage gets passed into law I say all gun owning Texans should load up and march on Washington DC. Capture feinstein, tar and feather her and throw her into the Potomac River. Maybe she will dissolve and be gone for good.
There are two different bills covering the same issue. HR218 and SB253. If there are any differences in them, they have to go to aocnference committee where one bill is worked out. Then the house and senate each has to vote again to accept the conference report. It's only then that the bill goes to the White House.

If Feinstein attaches the AWB to the senate bill, the entire senate has to vote on it. If they pass it the bill goes to conference, where the house and senate negotiators can either strip it out or pass it. Then the conference report must be voted on by the entire house and the entire senate.

We do need to keep an eye on Washington, but there will be several opportunities to wither strip the AWB out of the bill or to kill the whole thing. This is far from a done deal. We're down to about 21 days that congress will be in session before September 13th. Every day that passes is another day closer to seeing the great federal gun grab die a natural death.

I dont think it will crash and burn as it already has tremendous support in the Senate.
The Lawful Commerce in Firearms Act also had tremendous support in the Senate. I believe the initial straw vote was 72 for, and it would have affected a lot more high-dollar "constituents" than S.253. It was scuttled without a second thought when the AWB renewal was attached.

Regardless of whether you THINK it will sunset or not, PLEASE don't sit by and hope for the best. Sneakier things have happened (How the hell did we get stuck with this law in the first place?:fire: )

All Lawmakers need to feel the pressure from gunowners year round, regardless of what is or isn't happening.

The MMM'ers don't sit quietly in the off season.
First things first - everyone call, write and email your congressmen and senators!!!

It would be hard for me to believe that if AWB was tacked onto this bill that it would survive. The anti's lost a lot of seats in congress after the AWB was passed.

I was very surprised that there was not a huge outpoor of anti gun sentiment after the beltway murderers (I refuse to give them a title like sniper). After some thought, I attributed this to the seats congress lost as a result of the AWB.

I suspect an AWB renewal would cost G.W. his second term and definitely the dems would gain a number of seats in congress.

Most importantly, I hope I don't have to find out the effect an AWB renewal would have on the election.

*off to write some emails*

I dont think it will crash and burn as it already has tremendous support in the Senate.
What ScottS said. The dynamic will change if the AWB gets attached.

Something else to remember is that the other AWB vote happened in March, 8 months before the election. I think that even a straight AWB vote will be different (and more to our favor) in early September (2 months before the election). Pols count on people forgetting things, but even those arrogant bustards don't think that we'll forget a mere 2 months later.
I suspect an AWB renewal would cost G.W. his second term and definitely the dems would gain a number of seats in congress.
Exactly why the Dems want to bring this issue up.

Click on the link to the Senate in Knife_Sniper's first post, then click on "Legislation," then type in "S. 2498" and hit search. You will find the following:

Assault Weapons Ban Reauthorization Act of 2004 (Placed on Calendar in Senate)

S 2498 PCS

Calendar No. 545


2d Session

S. 2498

To provide for a 10-year extension of the assault weapons ban.


June 3, 2004

Mrs. FEINSTEIN (for herself, Mr. WARNER, Mr. SCHUMER, Mr. DEWINE, Mr. LEVIN, Mr. CHAFEE, Mr. DODD, Mr. JEFFORDS, Mrs. BOXER, Mrs. CLINTON, Mr. REED, and Mr. LAUTENBERG) introduced the following bill; which was read the first time

June 4, 2004

Read the second time and placed on the calendar


To provide for a 10-year extension of the assault weapons ban.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


This Act may be cited as the `Assault Weapons Ban Reauthorization Act of 2004'.


Section 110105 of the Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act (18 U.S.C. 921 note) is amended to read as follows:


`This subtitle and the amendments made by this subtitle are repealed September 13, 2014.'.

Calendar No. 545


2d Session

S. 2498


To provide for a 10-year extension of the assault weapons ban.

June 4, 2004

Read the second time and placed on the calendar

Uh, it looks like it is 10 years. Not forever, but only marginally less unacceptable.
The new bill would just change the old language from 10 years to 20, so yeah, it would be for another 10 years. I work in DC and have some friends in the Senate who I grill constantly on this stuff. I called them when I read the post about H.R. 218 but they haven't heard anything about Feinstein using it as a vehicle. Not that I wouldn't put it past her, but they said she's looking at other, non-gun related bills.
Why are they allowed to hang all this unrelated crap on legislation? When did this start? This is patently dishonest, like the constant gerrymandering they ALL do to stay in power.:cuss:
Feinstein may be skittish about attaching a poison pill to S218, which is widely supported by LEO. She cannot damage a bill to give them a priviledge, by attaching AWB, which she should now know could sink the entire thing, as the gun lawsuit bill showed. That would not reflect favorably upon her and she has to know that.

Having said that, by all means, contact your Senators and remind them of what happened to the gun lawsuit bill once the AWB rider was attached to it. Ask them if they want to be responsible for going against the police if the AWB gets attached to S218. Also tell them you oppose extension of the AWB because it did nothing to reduce crime, yet certainly infringed on law abiding citizens right keep and bear arms that are useful for militia duties, in accordance with the 2nd amendment and the ruling in US vs. Miller.
Why are they allowed to hang all this unrelated crap on legislation? When did this start? This is patently dishonest, like the constant gerrymandering they ALL do to stay in power.

I TOTALLY agree. This crap of hanging riders on everything should be brought to a screeching halt. A bill that is incapable of standing on it's own merit has NO business being hung on something else.

:cuss: :banghead: :cuss: :fire: :cuss: :banghead: :cuss:

Please do contact your Senators but keep the message general. The Law Enforcement CCW bill (S.253RS) was reported out of committee with no amendments on March 26, 2003 (Report # 108-29).


Since that time there has been no votes or floor debates on it and Feinstein has made no attempt to attach her amendment to it. In fact, the only thing I can find on the subject suggests that Feinstein wants to attach her ban renewal to the class action lawsuit reform bill being pushed by Republicans.


So DO contact your Congresscritters; but keep the message more general and simple - something like "No renewal of the Clinton gun ban is acceptable no matter what kind of legislation it may be attached to"
Frankly, I'd just as soon that this bill DID die. I'm really, seriously getting sick and tired of the idea that cops, even retired cops, are more equal than the rest of us. Maybe the police would be more reliable political support for our constitutional rights, if they were in the same legal boat as the rest of us.
Everyone please reread Bartholomew Roberts' post.

AWB2 was NOT attached.

Crying to your congresscritter about a non issue makes us all look pretty stupid.

Continue writing about Difi's real bill, though.
But wait -- it's gonna be attatched! And passage is inevitable! GOTTA WRITE MY CONGRESSMAN! I'm scared this bill will pass! Gonna pass if I don't write! Probably if I do write! PASSAGE IS INEVITABLE!


As tired of posts asking me to write my congressman as I am of NRA letters begging for money
Brett Bellmore
Frankly, I'd just as soon that this bill DID die. I'm really, seriously getting sick and tired of the idea that cops, even retired cops, are more equal than the rest of us.

Amen. I'm not trying to bash cops, but I don't see why they should get this special treatment.
It should be national CCW reciprocity for everyone.
Everyone please reread Bartholomew Roberts' post.

AWB2 was NOT attached.

Crying to your congresscritter about a non issue makes us all look pretty stupid.

Continue writing about Difi's real bill, though.


This bill passed in the House without any riders and will be brought up in the Senate soon. It has not been touched by the Senate yet. The Senate has a lot of support for this bill, and it is a possible vehicle for feinsteins AWB.

But wait -- it's gonna be attatched! And passage is inevitable! GOTTA WRITE MY CONGRESSMAN! I'm scared this bill will pass! Gonna pass if I don't write! Probably if I do write! PASSAGE IS INEVITABLE!

Not quite. It was passed in the house with no problems and no anti riders. It must still go to the senate for debate. There, it might be attached as it would be a very good vehicle for feinstein. Bartholemew could be right in pointing out that this might NOT be the vehicle, but with as much support as it has, it seems to make sense.

Regardless of my own outlook on the situation, I remain stern and will not cease my calls, letters, or emails.

How bout you?
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