Feinstein's AWB '2013 passed out of Judiciary to be debated/voted in the Senate

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Staff member
Jan 3, 2003
0 hrs east of TN

Assault weapons ban clears first Senate hurdle, but its future faces tough odds

We expected this would clear the Judiciary Committee and shouldn't be surprised that it has. We have been communicating with out Senate and House members to let them know our expectations for their vote on this in anticipation of it coming to a Senate vote.

We need to redouble our efforts though emails, phone calls, paper letters, and personal visits to their local offices as well as any opportunity to visit them in D.C. so they fully understand that nothing in this piece of legislation is acceptable to their constituents.

Please include your House members as well as the House Judiciary Committee members since no piece of legislation becomes law without both a Senate and House vote passing it.

Look at the letters thread for ideas on what to send to them. Remember that the letters need to be brief and to the point. Identify the legislation as S150 as well as by name. Don't use vulgar, threatening, profane language. Many of our members have gotten supportive responses from their Senate and House members and those are ideal models to use for our letters to our Congresscritters.
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I just sent two more e-mails to my reps yesterday regarding the UBC but I'll send another one about the AWB.

'course mine are menendez and lautenburg :broken:

my letter...

Dear Senator Lautenberg,

I'm writing today to urge you in the strongest possible fashion to denounce and vote against Senate Bill S.150 that has just passed out of committee today.

I consider myself a responsible gun owner, having educated myself in both the operation of my firearms and the laws which govern them. Legislation such as S.150 will do nothing to stop or deter actual crime, and in fact does nothing more than penalize law abiding, tax paying and voting citizens such as myself for the "crime" of exercising a Constitutionally guaranteed right.

I strongly oppose this and any legislation which would further restrict my right, guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, to keep and bear arms. I encourage you to step outside of the Democratic party, denounce this bill for what it is, and demonstrate to the people of the state of New Jersey that you intend to uphold the oath you took upon becoming a Senator... "I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic."

If you would like to discuss this or any other matters please feel free to contact me at any time.

Thank you.
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Instead of just saying "sent" it might be useful to include the letter you sent so others wanting to act on this information can borrow good ideas.
This is a good thing. Lets have a floor vote and get everyone on the record. Then we know who to target in 2014.
Keep focused on course at hand and avoid drifting off into dead end side streets. Save those for other threads.
Is there any indication when this might hit the floor for a vote? A US Government Senate calendar, or something to that effect?
Also do we have a final "language" of the bill? The last I saw was when the leak happened earlier this year (January?) with the list of named weapons/etc.

(When I try to bring up the text on her site, it gives me a duplicate headers error and craps out.)
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One of my senators has decided not to run for re-election. He's only been a Senator since Michigan has been a state (Carl Levin is a dinosaur and longest serving senator in Michigan history) and has already stated his support for gun control. He is a lost cause since he has nothing to lose.

My other senator is another 0bama-phile, Debbie Stabenow. She just got re-elected thanks to her constituents in De-toilet. Another died in the wool party liner, she will do whatever she is told since she hasn't had a unique thought or idea in her entire political career.

I'll double my efforts in contacting my Representatives, just in case any of this crap clears the Senate. I closely follow two of them, Fred Upton (who is my rep) and Justin Amash (next county over, where I work), and I know how Amash stands but have to keep an eye on Upton. He's never stabbed the 2A in the back, but like Dylan crooned, times, they are a-changin'.
We need to focus on action instead of ranting against this idiotic piece of legislation.

We already know it is bad and that it has an uphill battle in the Senate and that the House Judiciary Committee head has already said it won't get out of the committee there, BUT we can't take a chance on this thing making it through to risk signature. We also need to make sure that Sen. Feinstein doesn't get a clean vote passing it in the Senate. This is our opportunity to repudiate her and her postion by getting our Senators to reject this. If we can get a clear majority of Senators to say NO to this we can send a clear message that this sort of irrational, illogical, extremist Anti position is not acceptable.

Let's put the effort into meeting with our Senators or their staff, writing paper letters, sending emails and doing it all again and again so that your Senators know that no support for this bill is tolerable to us and that it would be costly for the party that supports it.
Exactly HSO.

Stand and fight people. Write your congresscritters often. Call them, email them, send them letters. Don't sit there and just watch as our rights slip away.

I'm blessed to live in a free state were this foolishness is laughed at and will have no support in Congress. However, I am still letting my reps and Senators know how I feel on this subject. I've even written to governors and legislators from other states to let them know how we the people feel.

It's time to step away from the forums and go make your voice heard. If you don't do this now you may never be heard as they take our rights away one cut at a time.
It's time we see where they stand.

NO, it's time we told them where to stand on this!

Don't be passive. Spend time, effort, and money to make certain your Senator understands you will spend all your disposable income rewarding or punishing them for their stance on this legislation. Tell them you know they are looking towards reelection and so are you. Promise to work for their reelection if they fight this legislation. Swear to them that you'll work against them in the primary and in the general election if they do support it. Remind them of the risk the Democratic party took in '94 and the price they paid for supporting the AWB. Point out that the punishment the party took will be nothing compared to what will happen in the '14, '16, and '18 elections if they support these bills restricting the rights of law abiding gun owners instead of addressing the root cause of violence and murder in the U.S.

Make at trip to their offices, write paper letters, send email, and attend all the rallys and marches you can.
I have been actively been blowing up everyone politicians inbox with my opinion like there is no tomorrow. I always end whatever I write with: "I will actively vote against any who support this measure in any elections. I will also advocate voting against them with anyone I come in contact with. "( Most of us do the last thing anyway, but I make a point in reminding our leaders of this fact every chance I get.)


I had 12 signs with different notes on them made up in large. $10/sign (find the 50% discount url... it's out there) with stands and 3 day shipping (because I wanted them NOW!)... came to $175 I think. it's worth it. signs, t-shirts, bumper stickers, posters, banners (crap! forgot about that last one! I could put it on my roof for the newark inbound/outbound planes to see!), all are actually pretty reasonable. I had those biz cards made up too to hand out to people I talk to and vet for a free range trip...


In case anyone was wondering, said range time includes the use of MY ammo and MY firearm(s)... so I'm putting my money where my mouth is to get people to see firearms and the people in general that own them are good, normal, ordinary citizens.

The point is... do something.

edit: in case anyone is interested or wants more ideas, here's the 12 I had made up. note the 'tag lines' at the bottom are old. the graphic I posted here has the tag lines used on all of them at the time of printing. i'm just too lazy to go re-grab them again at this point.
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sota - good letter. (may I borrow most of it?) I will send, tho my Senators are Franken (he wasn't a good comedian, either) and Klobuchar... however, Franken is waffling but I have no doubt which way his vote will go in the end. But they will hear from me...
Liberty - Not sure about you but I have never gotten anything back from Franken or Klobuchar except the same crap form letter they send to everyone. I will stil send them letters but we need to worry about the state laws also as they rammed through a bunch of junk this past week when I was out of state.
we all have our idiot leaders.
Menendez thinks NJ citizens can get carry permits. Apparently the fool never bothered to read the statues... we're MAY ISSUE... which in practicality means NO ISSUE.

Personally I'd love to see a 100,000 person protest march on the capital while open carrying in full defiance of that unconstitutional law. I'd have to attend that one.
I really kind of hope that the senate passes it and the house kills it. If the Democrats go on record voting for it maybe we will get the same result as we got during the Clinton admin and end up with a Republican senate and house to shut Zero down.
Yes..I could write to my senators from NY--but why bother???
One is a gun hater and the other used top be pro 2A but changed when she was appointed to the Senate.
It's still important to write them. They need to be reminded that there is still a strong voice out there in opposition of gun control. If everyone just gives up and leaves them alone when they are clearly violating their Constitutional Oath then more and more will do it because there is no one to answer to.
For those members that choose to engage in negativism, please review the rules for Activism.
Not trying to be negative, just wanted to share IL rep Dick Durbin is a no-go. I've tried writing, and e-mail, and phone calls, but keep getting back the same "I'm throwing you under the bus" type of response.

HSO; any ideas on what we could do to change that attitude? Or is he just a lost cause?
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