Finally: Word Leaks on Biden Group's Gun Control Plans

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WalMart will roll over at the first sign of gov't pressure. The guns aren't much of a profit center for them anyway. Good, I say.

People here are acting like we are 15 minutes from soviet-style tyranny. It doesn't give much credit to gun owners to behave like that.
So here is the big question. Besides contacting our reps, and voicing our opinion to our friends so they can do the same, what can we do? Hide my AR's? Box and bury my 30rd mags?

Today and tomorrow I am changing a heater core for a Marine who owns 0 guns. He contacted his reps tonight. The Marines from my shop made it a shop function. My wife has, my in-laws have, my dad and sister and brother also all have. What is left? Please let me know.

All we have is a "call them" and those who say "I will never give up my guns." Give me something else. Join the NRA? Done.
Pretty obvious at this point that they are going to push this like Obamacare until they get something. I think that something is going to be at least a magazine ban on 10+ rounds, mental health checks, and possibly a new ban on semi auto rifles etc. A lot of Democrats aren't going to like the database idea.

There are a lot of republicans and some Democrats that will resist this legislation. But it will pass in the senate...and the house is a lot closer than it was in the last congress. We've already seen some republicans flip over to wanting more gun control. I just don't see a way that nothing changes guys.

EDIT: Another thing.... you know when Obama gives his inaugural address (and the state of the union if nothing is done by then) he's gonna hit this issue really hard. Igniting any lapse in the "national conversation" on gun control. The media and him are gonna be teeing it up for each other for the next month.
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Do whatever you are good at. I spend a few hours a week on the internet doing nothing. After Sandy Hook, I created a username on Huffington Post (same name I use here) and have spent my 'internet time' pointing out logical, historical, constitutional and factual errors in people's pro-gun control posts. And believe it or not, I think I have changed a few people's minds. Sure, it's mostly lunacy on that site, but there are many people who are on the fence, willing to listen, and know a good argument when they see it. I don't know how much good I'm doing, but I am participating in the conversation instead of letting misinformation go unchallenged.

Find a way to stand positively for our cause, and stand tall.
When convicted murderers and rapists are executed enough that death row is cleared out, then maybe we can talk. Until then, I'll keep my guns.
So where are the loads and loads of people who kept trotting out the "They learned their lesson in 94. They wouldn't try it again" line of nonsense? A bit silent as of late it would seem.
Maybe they're the same folks who scoffed at people buying up extra ammo and magazines in 2008-2009. I'll have to go back and read some of those rants for my amusement.
Nothing has changed. We need to be doing the same things we should already have been doing. I had already PERSONALLY spoken to all of my reps when they were running.

Some of you may roll your eyes at the idea, but I spend a lot of time talking to people on social media. I have changed several minds, and gotten many people to admit that new gun laws won't change anything. I have had several admit that their support for new laws comes from a fear of guns, and that if they learned more about them, they would probably change their minds. I got MANY to agree that it is never a good idea to introduce laws that restrict your freedom in the emotion of a tragic event.

And, as always, take them shooting. Make them one of 'us' instead of one of 'them'. Make them someone who knows they are lying when they say that guns and gun owners are dangerous. You can only change one mind at a time. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. :)
This is the usual lots of talk little action strategy. With another budget fight in two months, I highly doubt that Obama and the anti crowd will have much/any political capital to pursue this. The budget discussion is increasingly becoming the front page news story and something that everyone is talking about. My prediction is this can is going to be kicked around for the rest of Berry's stay resulting in little else getting done.

The Anti's want to try. They know if they fail, they will still get re-elected because "they tried to do something, but them evil republicans blocked them!" while any republican and some dem's know that if they vote "Yea" on that bill, they are going to be shortly out of work.

Additionally, Obama has been sending some mixed signals on how much effort he is willing to put behind forcing the gun control measure. To quote the WSJ again said:
"Here's the bottom line. We're not going to get this done unless the American people decide it's important," [The President] said, dismissing the importance of whether he puts his own political capital behind the effort.
Other similar statements to this have been quoted, so I am increasingly getting the impression that Obama is not sure if its a cause worth trying to put energy towards. Like post #38 pointed out, he likes fights he can win. This is not a fight he has a guarantee to win, and has a better then good chance of loosing.

I think its safe to say that the American People are not very unified whether it is important, and a 53% majority think its important that nothing gets done.

Some have highlighted that Obama might try to stir the pot with his inaugural address. As the WSJ pointed out, this one might be one to stay home for. The number of inaugural gala's has been cut from 10 to 2, seating at the inauguration has been reduced due to smaller number of people expected to show up, and on and on. Seems very few people want to hear what sort of Hope and Change we can expect from the President's 2nd term.

And as always, keep the pressure up. Call and Email your rep's to make sure Obama knows that there's broad consensus that we need NO more gun control
Welcome to how I spend every new years in Illinois, where we fight crap like this off, almost every day. Call your legislators, e-mail, fax, text voice your opposition with every possible medium available. We also need to call these retailers and tell them we will NOT take this crap of stopping AR sales for the children.

For those that are not afraid of an 'Assault' weapon ban, because they don't include bolt guns, they're coming for those too!

The French Chassepot Rifle was a breach-loading gun, and killed just as many Germans as the Dreyese needle gun did French (except it was more reliable). Why bring this up? Throughout the course of history, EVERY gun, has been used in an Assault. I know this because of the nimrods we at Illinoiscarry fight every year in the legislature.

They don't care if the stock is wood or plastic, they don't carry if it's bolt or fully-automatic, they hate guns, they hate you the liberty minded citizen, and will not stop.

With that said, let's go get 'em!
I'm not underestimating what they're trying to do. And I agree, their approach will likely be a "go big" thing, drafting legislation that they know good and well will never pass. Then, blame those evil Republicans for it not passing. I remember the vote on Obamacare, where he couldn't even get all of his party to support it. But then complained because Republicans didn't support it.

I've been in contact with my US House Rep, and both Senators pretty much on a weekly basis for years. As it stands right now, I'm sure the one Senator, Sherrod Brown, will rubber stamp anything Obama wanted passed, up to and including removing any term limit for the office of President. I believe Rob Portman, and Mike Turner, my Rep., have enough sense to fight this insanity. But I'm still going to keep reminding them that I'm very concerned, and that I'll work my butt off to see them defeated if they even consider going along with this BS!
mljdeckard - I've been there with you on the same page. Think we've just been talking parallel to each other. I think the one best thing Obama did for gun owners was send this whole thing to a sub-committee with a three-plus week time table to let it rumble around and give emotions time to cool. As the Brady bunch say, only time they ever have/had luck getting legislation through was when emotions are running high right after an event. When this gun ban hits the senate floor, this will be last year's news that hardly anyone will even care about, except us ;). As for digging brass out of the snow, well hasn't snowed here yet, and the woes of being a poor grad student!

Stickhauler - And to think there was that much resistance to get Obama-care, which is arguably a lot less of a divisive piece of legislation, passed with a Democrat house and senate, it makes one wonder how the Dem's realistically plan on passing a gun-control bill.
stickhauler, I'm just up I-75 from you, and according to the OFCC message boards, Portman is "open to the idea" of gun control legislation. He is on the fence, and we need to keep contacting him. (And you're right, Sherrod Brown is a lost cause, but I e-mailed him for good measure).
State's Rights - Our Last Barricade

State's Rights (10th Amend) will likely be our last defense at some point. Your problem is that the government has become so big that they fund too many state activities. It will take great resolve for a state to exercise their rights under the 10th Amend because the Feds are such a large portion of their budget.

TN will fight gun control to the bitter end. If all else fails.....yall move to Nashville! Me and my buds were discussing confiscation one day. I said well most of my good guns are in the safe downstairs. I keep my cheaper stuff upstairs.....a few of them don't even shoot. My friend said, "Oh I see you would turn in the one's that don't shoot right?" My answer was "Nope....not a's the principle."
In the last few days an article which I read in the "Wall Street Journal" stated that the Demokrats are divided on which strategy to use for gun control.

This entire issue can be used by them, and maybe already has been exploited in a brief attempt to distract the public from the naked fact that the Dems have done nothing substantial to Attempt to limit the monstrous federal deficit. What better decoy issue do they have?

Maybe many of the ignorant masses are being somewhat conditioned to the anti-gunners' constant repetition.
Their short attention span might be a disadvantage to, and a bit weary of the anti-gunners as the weeks go by?
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