Firearms availability and violence study

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Jul 9, 2003
This is an old essay but still an interesting read. Some pretty solid research pointing to poverty, race and the break down of the family structure as a source for juvenile violence as opposed to the availability of firearms themselves.

According to the study, the five states with the highest gun ownership – Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas and West Virginia – were more likely to have children dying from unintentional firearm injury (gun accidents), suicide (with or without firearms) and homicide than children in the five states with the lowest levels of gun ownership – Hawaii, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Jersey and Delaware.

Why more western states like North and South Dakota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Utah, Nebraska, Alaska, etc., that have relatively "easy availability" have low firearm death rates for children is left unexplained.

In fact, the whole study revolves around using the phraseology "not entirely" to exclude the much more important reasons for violence with or without firearms: the levels of poverty and education, not to mention the related cultural factors and the utter breakdown of the family in those states by welfare and other government policies.

In other words, this published gun (control) study is an example of politically driven propaganda, result-oriented research with preordained, biased conclusions, which can only be characterized as junk science.

Part One

Part Two
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