Firearms handling advice from my 5yo

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Aug 23, 2006
Richmond, VA
We had a few friends come over a few days ago to go shooting. They were all sitting/standing around talking while I loaded up the last of the goodies for the trip. As I was walking out with the last of the long guns (a cased 12ga and an uncased AK), my 5yo, standing right in the middle of everyone says in a very loud voice: "You are not pointing the gun in a safe direction!"

I was sort of surprised to hear that because at the time, I was pointing the AK towards the ceiling as no one was upstairs. I thought she might have been thinking there was someone upstairs so I told her that it was safe to point it upwards when there wasn't anyone up there.

She again told me with a scowl on her face that I was to point it down to the floor. I turned it over and then I asked her why pointing it upwards wasn't safe.

She said: "Because Jesus is up there." It was all I could do to keep from bursting with laughter. I told her that she was right, but he was so high he would be safe. :D

I was glad she did bring up firearms safety on her own as we had several folks coming that had never been shooting before, and they got to see a glimpse of how serious we are about safety, etc.

It ended up being a great day.
That's great. A child who has been properly taught the rules of firearms safety AND who can think through stuff and integrate (Sunday School + gun safety = funny comments).
Kids say the best things, ever, in nearly all circumstances ;) My niece gives gut-hurting-laughter-provoking answers to all kinds of questions.

In the interest of science, in this case, you could explain that Jesus can only be reached by serious anti-aircraft guns.


That is adorable. Thanks for sharing. It sounds like she is off to a GREAT start!
Be proud and God Bless!

In the interest of science, in this case, you could explain that Jesus can only be reached by serious anti-aircraft guns.

No way. The kid was right; even the OP's comment about the upstairs backs it up. Why teach the kid that there are exceptions and that grownups get to choose. When she's right; she's right. Tell her well done and point the gun to the floor :)

Another heart warming story brought to you by the childhood indoctrination to the cult of Christianity.
hilarious. Kids do say the darnedest things. The fact that she understands gun safety at 5yo is a testament (no pun intended) to your parenting. Sounds like its time to take her shooting, if you haven't already.
^ Don't try to ruin the thread Toki. This is a gun forum not a religious forum, we don't care about your beliefs.

What a cute story. Gonna call dad first thing in the morning and tell him, he'll really love it.
Thanks for all the comments. I must say I'm pretty proud of her. She's really good at putting things together in ways we don't expect. :)
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