First rifle .

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Oct 14, 2007
some where in the black swamp of ohio
I need some help. I have been shooting handguns for a few years and would like to get a rifle. I don’t know anything about rifles but would like to learn.
What would be a good rifle for a beginner? I am going to buy a 22LR to start but would like some thing bigger once I learn to shoot the 22lr.
Any suggestions
Well there's alot of .22's out there Depends on what you like bolts,semi auto,single shots some with mags some with tubes some made of wood some plastic's even ones that look like AR's .You can have alot of fun shopping find one that best suites your taste and needs, budget.
I wont recomend a larger cal until you figure out what style you like and then it won't matter cause you'll want one of each .Buy a the best you can afford and enjoy it.
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