Fixing a light-strike issue...

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Oct 23, 2016
My Taurus m905 9mm revolver has increasingly been having issues with light strikes; it's never liked ammo with hard primers but lately it's gotten much worse so I took a few minutes today to rectify that. The mainspring appears to be an aftermarket unit (it has remnants of red color on it.) I got a cut-off end of brass rod, center-bored it and turned ti down to slip over the mainspring guide rod. Took maybe ten minutes all told.

This has increased the DA trigger-pull perceptibly, but it's still not bad and is just as smooth as ever. In exchange I got 100% ignition on both 9x19mm and .355/19R primed cases. I'll take that, thanks!

God, I love having a metal lathe!
I did the exact same thing with a cheapo saturday night special from the 1960's that I have: Put a spacer in to create more tension on the coil type mainspring, and it's ignited 100% since then. I didn't turn any metal on a lathe, though. I just got something at the hardware store. ;)
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