Florida CCW

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Jul 23, 2009
go bucs
OKay I know the Department of agriculture says 90 days , but how long does it truly take to recieve your permit (from your experience) after mailing documentation. I have heard 6 months etc.... I have been checking the mail eagerly since june, and no permit :banghead:
It took them 5 months and a phone call to get mine. But than again I was filing for a resident permit and was stationed elsewhere.
Wow I hope it doesnt take that long for me. I just picked up my LCP today and the only reason I got an LCP simply for ccw. I guess it will go to the range and back to the box.
I'm an NRA certified pistol instructor, commonly once the class is done I fax the info out same day. The students have told me they mail the same week. Since I've been doing the course since February, the first permits started arriving in June as I've been told. Four months isn't that uncommon and you need to be vigilant and give them a call. Though the department is making a record profit they haven't been allowed to hire on more people or expand their budget in anyway, in actuallity their coffers have been raided to pay for various programs that don't help the permit process, or giving raises to state beauracrats, take your pick.

I tell my students that they can get their prints done ahead of taking the actual class, any sheriff's department will do, and to get their passport picture to help themselves in mailing out the stuff the day after the class(I usually do it on a Sunday). Good luck.
Thanks for all the input, I will give them a call to check it out. I thought it would be quicker with electric prints, guess that was once true.
Thanks guys this is helping me out also.

I am thinking of ditching my Texas CHL in favor of the cheaper (about $110 vs. $325) Florida non resident permit. I get exactly the same benefits here in Texas with either one, and I can use the extra $200+ for something fun.
The 90 day wait is 90 "working" days not "consecutive" days. If you sent in the paper work the 90 days starts when they receive it. So in reality, you could wait till the middle of October to get your permit.
Got mine a month ago, and it took just under 90 days... Same For:cuss: 2 other people I took the class with.
I got mine back in October of '08 after moving to Florida and changing my residency. It took just under 90 days from when they received the application. Here is the funny thing, I called a couple of times and finally on my third or so call I got to a really nice customer service representative. Up until then, I got very little information when I called to inquire. They always sounded bothered. But this time the lady recognized I was in the military, told me thanks so many times I can't remember, and then kept me on the phone for a good 5-6 minutes while she checked on every little detail, told me the actual status (that it just needed final approval), and then gave me a realistic timeline which actually was accurate. Just goes to show that despite Florida being overwhelmed with applications, underfunded, and understaffed for CCW, there are still really good people working there.
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