Flying into Orlando Sunday - anyone got any verbal ammunition?

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You might try, with a surprised look on your face...

:what: "Is this true? WOW! I'm going to have to move to Florida, this is great news. What a wonderful law. What a wonderful state." See what their reaction is to that. Then if you have one show them your Florida carry permit. :eek:
Take all the flyers and run away.

OK, seriously -

"Oh my, you mean criminals can now shoot me without warning legally now?"

"Wow, you mean people down here support ALL the rights in the Constitution, not just the one about free speech and irritating passersby?"
Well ...

.... it would certainly be interesting if you could have your BUG "accidently" drop out of its ankle holster and slide onto the floor during the conversation.

"Sorry about that. Now - you were saying?" :cool:
Ask them what happened to their tamborines and robes and then start dancing and singing "Hari Krishna, Hari Krishna,........" Ah for the good old days....

Or you could read the flyer and then ask them with a concerned look on your face if any one has tried to shoot them yet.
"Yeah, I know . . . it's not healthy to mug people here in Florida any more. For my own safety I'll just have to limit myself to assaulting people in Chicago or New Jersey."
say "wow thanks for the warning, it looks like I will have to find another state to go on my murderus, looting and pillaging rampage" :neener:

or take the paper and say "thanks, this is just what I needed" and use it to scratch your butt and than offer it back.
As they try to pummel you with fliers, start yelling "YOU ARE HARASSING ME AND I AM ARMED!!!"

Or you could just take one of their fliers and start laughing hysterically as you read it.

Or, if you want to get fancy, you could make up a bunch of "Hello My Name Is VICTIM" stickers and stick one to every bliss-ninny.

Or, instead of "Kick Me" signs, you could put a bunch of "Rob Me - I'm Unarmed" signs on thier backs.

Just ignore them, life is too important to waste in their crapper. Enjoy your visit, we welcome you. Anyway they might be gone by then, they are catching a lot of excrement from people from all over. Joe
Ask them quietly while looking back over your shoulder conspiratorialy, "Did you guys see those tough looking gangbangers back there? I think they were trying to memorize your faces and(and/or) I overheard one of them say something about finding out where the easy pickin' idiots are staying for later..."
There are some great suggestions in this thread; unfortunately, the leftist extremists abandoned passing out flyers as soon as the national leftist extremist so-called "news" media published articles about their "valiant efforts," et cetera.

They're back in their gated communities now. The show's over. Sorry.
Standing Wolf said:
There are some great suggestions in this thread; unfortunately, the leftist extremists abandoned passing out flyers as soon as the national leftist extremist so-called "news" media published articles about their "valiant efforts," et cetera.

They're back in their gated communities now. The show's over. Sorry.

I am not suprised, at some gun shows I have been to, there have been some "protesters" that where infront of the show. they all left right after the news crew left. of course they never panned out to show the crowd was only as big as a tight in zoom (maybe 20 people that included their kids they dragged along) and inside the show was 100 times as many people enjoying the gunshow.

they all left before I could walk out with a new purchase. they were protesting the "gun show loophole". my plan was to walk right through the middle of the group and thank them because if they where not out there protesting I never would of known of that great loophole and would not of been able to pick up this great gun. they dont need to know that i bought it from a dealer and had to go through all the same paper work if i bought it a gun shop.
Well, after their CEO resigned because of the total failure of this and other programs they have tried
it seems we don't have to argue our point, they are falling over their own rubble.
How 'bout this?

That's GREAT! Last time someone broke into my house, I had to wait to figure out whether he was here to steal my TV, or rape my wife.
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