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Dec 6, 2006
first of all hello everyone.
i would like to know,after aligning the sights,should i keep the focus on the target or the top of the front post ? i read somewhere that i should keep the focus on the front post but i get a much clearer vision of the center of the target when i keep my focus on the target.thanks
and how come that many times when im shooting a pistol i get much better shots when i shoot with both eyes open altough its very hard to align the sights with both eyes open?
Front sight, front sight, front sight. No matter what you're shooting. tactically, you are better off keeping both eyes open when you shoot. If you shoot better with both eyes open consider it a blessing. Many have a problem keeping both eyes open. As they gain more experience & feel morecomfortable shooting they'll tend to keep both eyes open.
thanks for the answer.and how hard should i grip the gun? holding it hard will ease the recoil but if i hold it too hard it will also make the hand shake more right ?
should i practice with both eyes opened or with one eye?because all expert rifle shooters aim with one eye later after alot of practicing it will probably turn out that i shoot better with one eye closed.

and when i exhale to natural respiratory pause whats the longest time that i should keep myself without breathing? about 10 seconds ?
and by the way its not that i always get good shots with both eyes opened,sometimes i get surprisingly good shots but sometimes awful takes some time to align the sights with both eyes opened,and sometimes its hard too keep the focus.
and should i tend to shoot in the first seconds of the respiratory pause or waiting few extra seconds wont make my aim worse? thank you
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