Four-Year-Old Girl Shoots Herself at Sam's Club

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My son knows not to touch, so much so that when he saw my wife with a firearm, he scolded her about it, that only dad can touch it. She stopped and complied with him for the short term to reinforce what he believed.

About the only thing that won't get brought up is that it wouldn't have happened if Grandma was open-carrying.

Just an observation...
And, we don't know anything about what this child may or may not have been taught about handling guns.

Parents--Do not believe teaching your child, young, or not so young, not to mishandle guns is a guarantee they will not.

So many ignorant comments on this thread. I can clearly see that many do not have children. At 4 the child can barlely control themselves. Low impuls control and they are all naturaly curious. The child is not to blame here. The Grandparent is to blame. As far as keeping an eye on your kids. The child was in a cart and your shopping tell me you never turn your head to look at somthing for a minute or leave the cart a few feet behind to grab a few items. The womans purse should have never been left in the childs reach.

I might be a bit off on this but I remember reading a child is not counsciously aware of their actions until 6 years.
I might be a bit off on this but I remember reading a child is not counsciously aware of their actions until 6 years.

You are so correct Eric.
Only the grandmother can be blamed for not having control of the firearm, violating, I believe ,the all important Rule 5.You must keep control of the firearm at all times.
Eric, Right on the money. I am a gun owner for many, many years. A 4 year old child has been shot because of the negligence of a adult. How simple could it be, Open Carry, this grandma would eventually shoot herself in the leg. No more gun carrying in Sam's, you can bet on that one for sure, and probably more stores to follow. This idiot grandmother's actions, isn't doing a damn thing positive for my or your gun rights. I am very upset with some of the postings on this thread. AGAIN!!! A 4 YEAR OLD YOUNG CHILD. Has sensitivity left the mind's of Americans?
My 2yo can pull the trigger on a cap pistol that is heavier than the trigger on DH's S&W M&P. Even more, he can cock the hammer.

He can't rack the slide on the airsoft pistol I use for dry-fire practice in the living room, but he knows that he needs to if it is going to go, "click".

May we assume the real guns are locked up, or otherwise secured, when not under your immediate control?

That grandmother is an irresponsible idiot. An unholstered gun left in her purse with her 4 year old granddaughter right next to it. How could anything possibly go wrong. It's too bad the gun didn't discharge into grandma instead. She deserves a Darwin award.
Its sad, but its hardly our problem. People make bad decisions once in a while but overall its not a good enough reason to reduce freedom.
this whole thread...........I have a 2 year old daughter at home which is why I unload and put away when I walk through the door after work. I can understand the unholstered thing I often just cary in the waist band or stuff it muzzle down between the seat cushions in my truck. But I never at any point leave my gun where my daughter can get to it.

Some on this board will call you an anti for not carying 24-7

most on this board will call you irresponsible if a child get hold of your gun

everyone will call you negligent if the child shoots themselves with your gun.

Moral of the story some times you just dont need a gun.
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I try to tell all people I know who carry, that they must develop a conspicuous sixth sense of awareness about where the weapon is at all times. You know where your wallet is, and you know immediately when something is missing from your back pocket. Your weapon must be at least as conspicuous to your senses.
Even if the little girl had been taught something about firearm safety, she's still 4.
wise words from cheese as well as ericf my kid started moms car at 18 months and tried to get it in gear
My child is two and has been taught that knifes, the stove and electical sockets are not to play with. She also knows that Mom is going to catch her if she gets into something she is not supposed to.
That's all well and good. I'm teaching my daughter the same things. I'm still not going to be foolish and irresponsible enough to leave a loaded gun within her reach. Period.

Should the child have reached in the purse and played with something that is not hers? No. But she's FOUR YEARS OLD. They do that. Think yours won't? Want to bet her life on it?

Should the grandmother have had a loaded gun unattended around a four year old? No. She should not, and you know what? She's not a child, and should know better.

The grandmother was negligent, period, unless there is something huge unreported here (always possible).

Sad story and I hope the little girl fully recovers and Granny reads the permit it's called concealed carry , not sorta carry by having it in your purse that you toss down just about anywhere when you get tired of lugging it around .
So many ignorant comments on this thread. I can clearly see that many do not have children. At 4 the child can barlely control themselves. Low impuls control and they are all naturaly curious. The child is not to blame here. The Grandparent is to blame. As far as keeping an eye on your kids. The child was in a cart and your shopping tell me you never turn your head to look at somthing for a minute or leave the cart a few feet behind to grab a few items. The womans purse should have never been left in the childs reach.

Tottlers have stronger thumbs than index fingers. A natural grip with the thumb on the trigger points the gun at the holders chest/head.

Yes! I remember when my son was 2 and playing with a little squirt gun my friends had to spray their cat when it misbehaved. He would put both hands on the gun, both thumbs on the trigger, and shoot himself in the face/chest.
About the only thing that won't get brought up is that it wouldn't have happened if Grandma was open-carrying.

you really think so? its clear to me that the child was intrested in the gun, she could have just as easily removed it from a holster.
She should have shot grandma instead, that would have tought her not to leave a loaded gun unattended! :D
About the only thing that won't get brought up is that it wouldn't have happened if Grandma was open-carrying.
you really think so? its clear to me that the child was intrested in the gun, she could have just as easily removed it from a holster.
It would have been really hard for any one to remove a gun from a holster while a conscious person is still wearing it with out their knowledge.
you would be amazed at what a child can do. If some one paying attention or is doing something that would keep thier hands occuiped( say getting something off a top shelf) it very well could happen. I've seen trained miltary personel have thier side arms taken from them when they knew it was coming( before they could even get thier hands on the gun/ guy grabing it).
If it could happen to them, it could happen to an aging grandmother.
From what I've seen all my life, young children frequently go through women's purses--their mother's or grandmother's, makes no difference. Children tend to be curious by nature. This woman really should have had the gun on her person and not in the purse. I hope the child pulls through okay.
Teaching a child does not relieve us of the responsibility of protecting them. Curiosity has killed far too many children to believe that training is all that is needed. Curiosity is very compelling. It can easily overpower all the training in the world.
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