Fox "News" not our friend

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Despite specific misinformed summaries broadcast by O'Reilly, at least FoxNews made a continuous effort to publicize the criminal operations of
Eric Holder's "Fast And Furious", and the unnecessary tragedy of our brave citizens in the Benghazi embassy/annex.
Not to mentions some other issues, many of which are barely covered by certain networks.

And Fox has Nobody harping so often (if at all) against the AR-15 as Mr. Morgan on CNN. Sure, the internet is always here for news, but many people find tv channels informative and entertaining, a decent background for popcorn.
Channels such as MSNBC ("The NRA has blood on its hands..."), and CNN must be refreshing for many viewers.
Along with many conservatives, Fox also has several liberals as regulars, along with libertarian Stossel.

As for most of CNN, MSNBC-no thank you. And aside from the major issues, my impression Was...that most, or many of you guys/gals liked the AR-15 etc, and supported the NRA or other pro-gun rights organizations.
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Fox News has one agenda and that is to keep as many of you watching as long as possible to maximize their ratings and keep the ad dollars flowing and growing.

When CNN (much maligned for being left of center) was really the only game in town, Rupert Murdoch looked at the 24x7 news-entertainment landcape and saw an untapped opportunity to cater to, foment and steer the other side of the "us vs. them" public political game.

You won't see Fox News step off the main-stream RNC (or DNC counter) talking points (and if any of their talent does head off the reservation, they certainly don't last long). They've proven that reality time and time again with their treatment of Ron Paul, Judge Napolitano and pundits on the right (or left) who don't tow the main-stream line.
True,Ignition. There is at least is a semblance of balance at Fox. MSNBC's cast is like the ensemble for Henry VIII's coronation. There won't be much arguing with the King there!
You'll find more fair and balanced coverage at the Daily show than Fox.
Anyone who saw Hannity tonight can have no doubt who our friends are. I get a laugh out of FOX bashing so called ''gun owners''. My bet is that they're all Liberal Trolls.
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Ah, an interesting article. Let's see... you've quoted the introduction, so there's no need to talk about that. Let's move on to the rest of the piece.

The Comedy Central host slammed right-wing conservatives for blaming “non-gun causes of gun violence” after recent shootings; he showed clips of pro-gun pundits blaming video games, Hollywood and even personal sin instead of discussing ways to address gun violence directly.
Let's be honest. There is no evidence linking violent videogames, movies, media, books, and etc with violent behavior. Lack of belief in God/gay marriage/premarital sex/etc are also not likely causes of shooting sprees.

He compared the gun control issue to drunk driving, pointing out the decline of these deadly vehicular incidents and arguing that the same change can be made to the gun culture through tighter and better enforcement of laws.
This... is actually something we have said ourselves.

To Stewart, the root of the problem is Americans being afraid the government will take away their firearms, noting Alex Jones’ epic pro-gun rant.
“Now I see what’s happening,” Stewart said. “So this is what it is. Their paranoid fear of a possible dystopic future prevents us from addressing our actual dystopic present.”
Jon Stewart does not understand the need to prevent possible confiscation of guns in the future. He is a man with liberal biases.

But really, if that's the worst he's said on the subject, he's still better than O'Riley.
Johnny...''pathetic California subject''? I never called you names. I was stationed in Florida for four years, and never met anyone, anywhere in the South, with your manners...or lack thereof.
Johnny Dollar, all you did was link to a MSNBC article which failed to show Jon Stewart having an extreme position on gun control. The worst he does is from the article's description is mock people he considers paranoid. I know words hurt, but if the most he did was make fun of people for their belief in government gun confiscations, that's not revealing some sort of massively biased reporting.

I don't mean to tell you how to argue your points, but you would have probably had much more success if you'd linked to his interview with General McChrystal.
Johnny Dollar, all you did was link to a MSNBC article which failed to show Jon Stewart having an extreme position on gun control. The worst he does is from the article's description is mock people he considers paranoid. I know words hurt, but if the most he did was make fun of people for their belief in government gun confiscations, that's not revealing some sort of massively biased reporting.

I don't mean to tell you how to argue your points, but you would have probably had much more success if you'd linked to his interview with General McChrystal.
A couple of issues,

First, most of these late night political/comedian entertainers fulfill the role of Saul Alinsky's rules for radicals mocking their opponents. Jay Leno is the only one that openly bashes the Dems and Obama without fear. The rest of the lot are overwhelmingly propagandists for Obama and his gaggle of henchmen.

RULE #5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.

Secondly, anyone that has spent any time in the military has heard many rumors and outright protestations against our constitution from very high level military rulers. Failing to understand that a 4 star general is a POLITICAL position places the anti-gun stance in perspective.

A predecessor of General McChrystal was General Franks. Franks called for the repeal of the constitution back in 2003.

So, not sure what you wish to show with a left leaning political satirist like Jon Stewart interviewing a political member of our military (retired) that is looking to redeem his reputation after being outed in his criticism of Obama.
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