Foxnews Alert: Gunman on VA Tech campus

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JLStorm said:
Im still wondering how he managed to kill so many in such a short time??? I mean I carry and shoot a .45, and while 9mm and .22 has a lot less recoil, either this kid had great marksmanship and reloaded very quickly or am just missing something??? I mean 32 moving targets?

Can someone straighten this out for me?

It's very easy if you have enough bullets.

Say he walks up to the door of a classroom and starts firing. One shot every one or two seconds. That's more than enough time to get a sight picture on the students in the back row, and it's impossible to miss a human sized target at that range.

Immediate instinct of the students is to find cover. Only, their cover isn't cover, it's concealment. They just don't know that. Shooter keeps plugging away while everyone is trying to hide. Finally he runs out of bullets, and steps out of the class to reload. Then he comes back in and takes his time, shooting everyone that he sees, including students that are already down.

Multiple bullet holes for everyone and lots of bleeding out.
It's very easy if you have enough bullets.

Say he walks up to the door of a classroom and starts firing. One shot every one or two seconds. That's more than enough time to get a sight picture on the students in the back row, and it's impossible to miss a human sized target at that range.

Immediate instinct of the students is to find cover. Only, their cover isn't cover, it's concealment. They just don't know that. Shooter keeps plugging away while everyone is trying to hide. Finally he runs out of bullets, and steps out of the class to reload. Then he comes back in and takes his time, shooting everyone that he sees, including students that are already down.

Multiple bullet holes for everyone and lots of bleeding out.

Im a bit shady on the details even though I have been following the news reports, I guess its become an information overload. I cant recall how long he had to shoot, the cell phone sound clip made it only sound like around 30 seconds, how long did the shooting go on??? I heard the police waited outside, but I cant imagine they waited THAT long before actually doing something...
I could swear I heard a woman/student being interviewed on FoxNews estimate he was shooting for 10 minutes. It sticks in my mind because I remember thinking to myself, "Wow, a shooter could kill a lot of people in that amount of time."
how long did the shooting go on???

The shooting lasted around 3 minutes or so in Norris Hall and involved the shooter moving between 3 or 4 different classrooms on the 2nd floor. The cops were mostly on the other side of the drill field near the dorm where the earlier shooting had occurred. As soon as they got the radio call from the dispatcher, they charged over to Norris. The doors leading into Norris had been chained and the cops blasted their way in with either a shotgun blast or a breaching charge. Once the shooter heard them coming up the stairs, he offed himself with a gunshot to the head.
I get tired of hearing the talking heads talk about the
American "gun culture" being responsible for this.

If guns and the people who own them are so bad, why
are there no massacres at rifle ranges?

Why do the the massacres only occur in "Gun Free Zones"
like Virginia Tech, Columbine School, the park at Port
Arthur, etc?

I also get tired of reading the internet posts that allowing
"everyone" to carry a gun on campus would have caused
more chaos.

We are talking about persons licensed to carry concealed
handguns--familiar with laws on self-defense, rules of
safety and background-checked--being allowed to carry
if they choose--like the two law students at Appalachian
Law School who subdued the shooter there five years ago.
At VT those two--who were former policemen--would not
have been allowed to have a gun on campus period.

Besides, I suspect that the average person with a gun
would not go ape - crazy like the DU posters like to
abc poll

There are at least 32 confirmed dead in the shooting at Virginia Tech University, making it the worst campus shooting in American history. Law enforcement officials believe the gunman was firing at least one 9mm semi-automatic pistol.

Do you think this incident is a reason to pass stricter gun control legislation?

No. Violent shootings are isolated incidents and it's irresponsible
to link them to gun control. ------------------------ 65,764
Yes. This shows the violence that can occur when someone has
access to handguns. ------------------------------ 23,178
I'm not sure. I need more information. ------------- 1,734
Total Vote: 90,676 Not a scientific survey.
schools are massive and are obvious places to go violent crazy. I went to a local university where security was basically a couple fellas who drove around all day and issued tickets. I had never met such a bunch of reckless policman in my whole life as that group. I never saw them outside of their vehicles except during events. The provided only a police presence in the parking lots and the stadium.
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