France will deploy troops (arms are mentioned)

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Been there, and done, many times here...

Still funny.

But this does make one wonder...

Quite frankly, it would NOT surprise me in the least to see France deploy troops to Iraq to "protect that nation's soverignity."

A long shot, probably, but I would NOT be surprised to see the French do this.


To forestall an invasion until they can destroy evidence of the depth of their complicity in supplying Iraq with weapons and other items banned since the end of the 1991 Gulf War.
Don`t forget the DeGaulle Group, a forum of political advisors who will show Saddam his exile options. Besides showing him spiffy uniforms he can strut around in while annoying his host country, they`ll teach him how to give orders to his non existent army and resistence fighters.:evil: :neener:
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