Fred Thompson Mega-Thread (Merged)

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Huh? I didn't see Ron Paul, our great savior from ourselves, listed in any of the polls by any pollster. Strange, especially since he has such staunch support. I mean, the sky is falling and RP is the only hope.

Yep it just confirms that the message of limited, constitutional govt is a hard sell in an era where a man can call himself a conservative president and spend like a drunken sailor imitating LBJ, advocate amnesty for illegal aliens and pursue a Wilsonian foreign policy.

Despite the best efforts of Paul and his supporters the message of Jefferson and the rest of the founding fathers is often rejected by those folks who today call themselves conservative and consider Bush a soulmate. The same individuals who recoil at the thought that an Obama presidency would bring back big bad tax and spend liberalism have no problem supporting big Govt at home and abroad as long as it comes with a Bush face or, I'm sure, a Thompson face.
Skibane, thanks for the link. From that, assuming the comments are true, I see:

product-liability punitive-damage awards

In other words, he supports letting mega corps who can afford it screw people over, and limiting the power of the individual in face of the state and the corporation.

He supported an amendment to prohibit flag burning

He believes the Constitution can be used to restrict PEOPLE and not the GOVERNMENT, a problem we learned about during Prohibition. (And don't give me that crap about "protecting the flag our veterans fought for." I'm one of those vets and I fought for the CONSTITUTION. I can also speak for myself, thank you.)

he opposed “marriage” between homosexuals, legislation prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation.

He's a homophobe who's willing to treat people as second class for holding positions he disapproves of.


He's a luddite.

a presidential line-item veto to eliminate congressional pork

Now, that's a tricky one, but it DOES give the Executive more power in the equation, and that's not a good thing, IMO. And I'm not sure the Courts would find it Constitutional.

He supported efforts to decentralize or disenfranchise unconstitutional government programs.

Except the unconstitutional programs he favors, it seems.

Fred’s conservative credentials are unassailable.

I guess I have a DIFFERENT definition of "conservative." It includes protecting individual rights and liberty.

I won't cower in fear if he wins, but I see we're back down to, "Our unconstitutional theories are okay, it's their unconstitutional theories that are evil."

I guess I'm voting for Ron Paul. I still have some issues with him, but I have less issues than with this Thompson character, who is just another weaseling politician.
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