New Fred Thompson thread

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Originally Posted by hoji
Just remember what happened the LAST time we elected an actor to the White House.

You say that like it's a bad thing. The last "actor" we elected was the best President this country has seen since Teddy Rosevelt! I think Fred could be in the same catagory!

You really think ol Fred can give us some type of ugly weapon ban with no sunset clause{ McClure Volkmer} or a complete amnesty for criminals in the U.S. illegally?

Maybe when he is out of office he can go before Congress and lobby just enough people against a new AWB to get it passed.:scrutiny:

Take off the rose colored glasses.

Let's not forget the surrender to hezbollah in 1983. You surely must remember how ol Ronnie just threw in the towel when our Marines were killed in Lebanon. The solution was to remove our Marines from the embassy.

You Regan fluffers disgust me.

Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
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