Fred Thompson

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Jun 8, 2003
Arlington, TX

Mr. Thompson has also been criticized for failing to back some comprehensive tort-reform bills because of his background as a trial lawyer. Here he insists his stance was based on grounds of federalism. "I'm consistent. I address Federalist Society meetings," he says, noting that more issues should be left to the states. For example, he cast the lonely "nay" in 99-1 votes against a national 0.8% blood alcohol level for drivers, a federal law banning guns in schools, and a measure limiting the tort liability of Good Samaritans. "Washington overreaches, and by doing so ends up not doing well the basics people really care about." Think Katrina and Walter Reed.

I've gotta say, Fred is really gaining ground in the court of my opinion!
I wonder what the Federalist Society says about his voting in favor of a flag-burning amendment, or in favor of increased penalties for federal drug offenses, or in favor of McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform in '97.
Disturbing News...

I was listening to Patriot 144 on Sirius this evening and they were talking about a Ghouliani/Thompson ticket.....

I see Thompson as the only saving grace for the Republicans right now.....Ghouliani would be a disaster and a travesty even if Thompson is VP.

I really hope that Thompson goes for the POTUS
Heard him today sitting in for Paul Harvey, loved this part of his monologue:

" The Iranians have filed a flurry of complaints with the United Nations, claiming "300" is "cultural and psychological warfare." Who are these guys who are getting all flushed over our cultural insensitivity?

People who want to blow Jews off the face of the earth. The regime that stormed our embassy in 1979 and kept Americans captive for 444 days. Iran’s Hezbollah puppets have killed more Americans, than any other terrorist group except Al Qaeda. Explosive devices from Iran are being used right now against our soldiers in Iraq. They’re clearly more skittish about cultural warfare than the sort that actually kills people – like the one against Israel that Iran financed just a few months ago.

I must say that I’m impressed that Hollywood took on a politically incorrect villain. Must have run out of neo-Nazis. So now these sensitive souls in Iran think that Hollywood is part of a U.S. government conspiracy to humiliate them into submission. I can only wish we were that effective. "

He runs, I'm going to do all I can to help.
I hear what you're saying Thrasher, but I'll take a Thompson with a shot of winning over MyDreamCandidate any day of the week. There's stuff I don't like about Thompson either, but that list is crazy shorter than well... anybody else who stands a chance of actually making it to the big chair.

So count me in with the "where do I sign up" crowd.

Sounds much better than many, but not as good as Ron Paul, IMO.

Also, I disagree with his not wanting tort reform. Our country desperately needs tort reform b/c ridiculous lawsuits are killing our country, including lawsuits pertaining to firearms (e.g. suing McDonald's for millions b/c their coffee is hot, suing gun manufacturers for millions for the death of a loved one shot by some gang banger, Bloomberg's lawsuits, suing for $300 million for some minor medical error or a slip & fall, etc.). That's not to say that some lawsuits aren't justified, but many are not and many involve ridiculously high awards.

Plus, if a Good Samaritan is liable for lawsuits after the fact, then no one will volunteer to be a Good Samaritan. Good luck finding someone to do CPR on you after your cardiac arrest if they might get sued for breaking a few of your ribs in the process. It's risky enough these days with HIV/AIDS and other infectious diseases to attempt to help a person who's bleeding. Just my $.02, but tort reform is long overdue.

Thompson's legal background is unfortunate for issues like tort reform, whereas Paul's medical background would be an asset in the White House, IMO. IMO, we have enough lawyers in Washington. Our health care system needs some major changes, but nobody understands that better than a physician. Politicians dictating health care policy is just as bad as politicians dictating firearms law, both of which are usually based on pure ignorance. It also gives Paul an edge of objectivity over a lawyer on tort reform as Paul was an OB/GYN (sued much more than many other types of physicians).

That said, Thompson is much better than most of the other candidates out there, and I'd consider voting for him if Ron Paul wasn't on the ticket.
If Ron Paul or Fred Thompson end up with a campaign that has half a chance, I'll register Republican in a heart beat and do my best to drum up votes for them.

If the pubs put up some fascist like Rudy, Mccain, etc....... I am going to put in a huge order for 5.56 and mags.
A Ron Paul/Fred Thompson ticket, I could live with that.
Couldn't vote for Mcain, Giuliani,Romney or Gingrich to save my life.
And I buy mags and ammo anyway.:D
Things are maybe starting to look up!

Naturally, I couldn't vote for Hillary or Obama or any other gun-grabbing Dem.

And . . . I was beginning to think I'd sit out the next Presidential election since the Republicans couldn't do any better than the sorry choices they've paraded so far, just as my own little "protest." Truly . . . if the Republicans can do no better than a gun-grabbing New Yorker or a wishy-washing McCain they don't deserve my vote.

Thompson? Man, that's music to my ears! Maybe there's still hope for the Republican party in general . . . and gun loving Americans everywhere.
Forget Tort Reform, I worry more about Thompson's heavy handed support of the Patriot Act. Not only demanding votes the first time but campaigning hard the second time when he was no longer in office. This bodes poorly for a lawyer who should have full understanding of the act and it's lack of constitutional standing.

While internet polls are one of the worst indicators of how candidates are doing it is interesting to note that Dr. Paul is consistently hitting 4th place or better in most internet polls. While I still don't think he can win the nomination IMHO he is a much better choice than Thompson for America...
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