Free-floating a 700BDL: simple question

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Mar 4, 2008
I have a recently made 700BDL that I would like to free-float the barrel on. After I free-float the barrel (I plan on using a dowel rod and some sand paper til there's nothing touching), what should I use to re-finish the inside of the stock? The BDL has a high gloss epoxy? or other synthetic finish, and I just want to seal the sanded portion of the wood with something compatible. Thanks for any help!
Tru-oil, polyurethane, something along those lines. There won't be any compatabilty issues with most finishes and the DuPont Imron on BDL's.
Birchwood-Casey Tru-Oil will work with any other type of finish. Apply several coats with a day to dry between coats.

Clear polyurethane finish such as Deft or Minwax bar top finish is good, drys fast, and will seal in a couple of coats.

But I always used Brownell's AcraGlas in conjunction with glass bedding the action at the same time.

There are a number of polyurethanes, some are water proof, some are not.

I use mini wax spar urethane. I have a coated shelf of wood above the sink. A non spar urethane blistered with water contact. The mini wax spar urethane has not.
I use mini wax spar urethane. I have a coated shelf of wood above the sink. A non spar urethane blistered with water contact. The mini wax spar urethane has not.

The spar urethane is definately going to be more water resistant. It is much more flexible, contains more oil, and takes longer to dry than conventional polyurethane. Polyurethane converts to a plastic film upon drying and is typically considered a waterproof product. One advantage to polyurethane over spar varnish is poly being much thinnner tends to soak into the wood more rather than sit on top. They should both work fine for the task as would the Tru oil.
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