Free Gunowners State Project : What if .....?!

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Jan 4, 2008
I came across an interesting concept:

The Free State Project

A state that could be free? Hmmm. Sounds interesting.

The premise is that 20k activists could move to a small state and
effectively change the balance of politics.

Imagine if someone was able to organize freedom loving gunowners ,tired from government restrictions, and convince enough people to move to a small state and take control of politics so they can change all gun laws and block any attempts for gun control. And what if these people reach an
agreement with the FSP people to help each other since their causes are similar ? What would happen then ? Do you think that's possible or am I daydreaming ? It would be like Heaven on Earth ! No need to worry about permits and bans ever . New Hampshire looks very good for the purpose . Don't forget about no income and state tax . Live free or die !
There were a bunch of crackpot fundy christians trying this in SC so they could have a christocentric state. It didn't go over well...

If everyone would just join the NRA, there would be fewer and fewer compromises on gun laws they negotiate. Yes, like the way AARP is treated.

No need for a hoplocentric state.
Worked for the socialist gun grabbers moving into states that have always been free, putting those freedoms on shakey ground...

There's another one for WY...which is sort of amusing given how "free" (comparatively speaking) that state is to begin with. Could try Alaska...just drive the leftists in Anchorage out and there'd be less risk of bad laws being passed...but it's already a pretty free state. I don't even have property taxes on the land I just bought (okay, sent the paperwork in this past week so it's not mine till the sale is all processed, but you get the picture...). No permit for carrying needed either, and pretty much anything goes as far as NFA stuff...there are a few things I don't like though, namely: duty to tell officer you're carrying when stopped, same rule for entering others' property, no carry at schools, no carry at places that serve alcohol (the latter won't affect me much personally but I still disagree with it on principle...). But that's not much to have to worry about, given the way most states in the U.S. are. Oh yeah, the game laws are really screwed up up there, but if you sort them out, there's good hunting available up there...
Read the book "Molon Labe" by "Boston T. Party". The methodology is good. However, consider the pleasures and difficulties of herding quail or jackrabbits.

Sorry, fun subject, but off-topic. Good for APS.

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