Free Pass-Around: basic balisong ("butterfly knife")

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Dec 28, 2002
I picked up this cheapie whilst waiting for my SpyderFly to arrive. I'd feel like a miser trying to get money for it, so it's not worth the hassle of selling.

Before anybody starts hassling me, I do agree that balisongs are a fun toy, but there are better knives out there for self defense. I'm just passing this around so folks can try it out without putting any money into a new hobby.

If you agree to the following, I'll mail it to you for free.

1) You are over 18, and have some legal way of possessing this bali
2) You are interested in trying out the whole balisong juggling/flipping thing
3) You'll try this knife out for 2 weeks(changed from one month), and then post back to this thread asking who wants it next. You'll mail it out, should cost about $1-2 to mail, esp. if you re-use the padded envelope I send it in.
4) You'll try not to loose or break it, and won't sharpen it (it's nice and dull, good for newbies), but feel free to lube/tighten/repair it. Do note that I removed one cheap tang pin, feel free to put in a piece of steel nail or something if you feel like it, would make it flip slightly better.

First person to post below this, and then PM me with their address, gets it for the first month. If all goes according to plan, this thread will pop up again in a month, and the next person gets it.


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Goes out to gdvan on Monday morning. Watch for this thread to pop back up in a month or so for the next person.

guess i'll stand in line. i got a lot of ballisong spare parts I could jazz it up with for the next fella. :cool:
I leaned how to do a few butterfly knife flips when I was about 10 YO. I was clever enough to place clear packing tape over the blade while learning, but not wise wnough to keep it there for as long as I ought.

I still bear scars from that learning experience.

I liked them 'cause I only needed one hande to open it and used them until the thumb-flip/spyderco/thumb stud knives became ubiquitous.

It even accompanied me to school some days, back when a boy was expected to have a decent knife.
Hope to hear from gdvan01 in a month.
(with pics and video!)
Ha! I didn't get that good but it's fun to play with, Unfortunately my schedule has been kinda crazy lately....Oh well.

OK, it's that time folks. First one to respond here (as per Matt's instructions) will get the bali sent to them.

Game on!
I bought two cheap butterfly knives from budk a few years back, sharpened one and filed the edge and point off of the other so i could practice without cutting myself.

Cool idea you've got going here
To reiterate:

If anyone wants to try out this balisong, just post a "dibs" message to this thread, and gdvan will mail it to you. All you have to do is mail it to the next person two weeks later.

I'll give this a few tries, but if there aren't many takers, I'll just move the passaround over to , and any interested parties that missed this thread can catch it over there.

MatthewVanitas. As gracious as your offer is, you need to think CYA. Balisongs are illegal in some places. Canada for one.
Balisongs are illegal in some places
Yep, and sometimes the responsibility lies on oneself. Did you read the first post by any chance?

"1) You are over 18, and have some legal way of possessing this bali"

I'm guessing he thought about the whole 'legal' thing.
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