Free Tucker Holster Contest

Not open for further replies. the way, just curious, why would you rough out a pancake style rig? Isn't that for inside the pants to keep it in place?

First off, The HF1 is not a pancake even though it has leading and trailing belt slots and rides the belt like a pancake. It is a modified "tunnel and loop" or wraparound style. A true pancake is two flat pieces of leather bonded and sewn together flat and then formed to the gun inserted between the two pieces.

The HF1 gives the best of both the Pancake and the Tunnel and Loop styles: close, secure ride and easy reholstering.

Why make it roughout? You should see what a whole rig - belt, holster and mag pouch looks like in roughout. It's different and very nice looking. A stiff brush will keep it looking nice, too.
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