From Reason magazine on Gun Control

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This is what Kofi Anan is talking about when he says the UN's goal is "state monopoly on arms."

It is very scary.

It is also very scary that lots of gun owners think the NRA is just being paranoid and propagandistic when they highlight this globalist agenda.

In November, Louise Arbour, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, stated: “The actions of the UPDF do not comply with international human rights law and domestic law.” But, she also stipulated, “the decision of the Government to undertake renewed efforts to eradicate illegal weapons in Karamoja is essential….”

Look at that wording...its incredulous that a person can feel this way.

The mass genocide campaign of the UPDF merely does "not comply" while a poor group of people fighting this battle must have their "illegal weapons" "erradicated" and that "is essential". We all know where this UN ninny sits and what is more important in their minds. They'd rather have an entire peoples exterminated if it would disarm them, than see them survive by fighting back.

The UN is no friend to gun owners. The UN is also a major threat to our sovereignty. :mad: (All the more reason to oppose them.)
...And there are people in this land with the same goal. Over my dead body(and a pile of theirs!).


"Terrorism, Poverty, and Subjugation: World dominating poisons of life; brought to you courtesy of the United Nations". B.E.Wood

"Peace, Prosperity, and Freedom: Magic elixirs of life brought to you courtesy of the Constitution for the United States of America." B.E.Wood
The UN, since the middle-to-late fifties has had an

unspoken agenda to eradicate the sovereignity of every nation but the "assumed" world nation of the UN.[p]

Note the debate with Rebecca Peters and her continual reference to the "world view", in pushing for "control of international trafficing in guns" (translation "outlawing all private gun ownership".)[p]

Our only hope, in recent years, has been a very pro-2A representative to the UN. I fondly hope that his replacement, by way of our new Congress, is not a left-wing "world view" nanny.[p]


Did you note how the United Nations considers rounding up civilian firearms more important than not killing civilians. Some days I think the tin foilers are right.

Consider this...

UN wants all weapons out of civilian hands.

History shows that genocide occurs as a predictable result.

UN also holds conferences on POPULATION CONTROL.

Two birds, one stone?

In November, Louise Arbour, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, stated: “The actions of the UPDF do not comply with international human rights law and domestic law.” But, she also stipulated, “the decision of the Government to undertake renewed efforts to eradicate illegal weapons in Karamoja is essential….”
Look at that wording...its incredulous that a person can feel this way.

The mass genocide campaign of the UPDF merely does "not comply" while a poor group of people fighting this battle must have their "illegal weapons" "erradicated" and that "is essential". We all know where this UN ninny sits and what is more important in their minds. They'd rather have an entire peoples exterminated if it would disarm them, than see them survive by fighting back.


Look at that wording...its incredulous that a person can feel this way.

It's only incredulous until one accepts the fact that the words were spoken by a UN Flunky Bureaucrat. The various aspects of exactly she "qualified" for the position held need not be delved into at this time, being perhaps grist for another kill on another day.
Communism and it's cohort socialism felt they could take over the world by directly opposing the US and the free west in the middle of the 20th century.
Sometime around the 1980's they started realizing that the likelyhood of success via the direct approach appeared to be doomed. They then cast about for an alternative means to reach the goal of world socialist domination.
They chose the UN as the ideal means to subvert freedom. Disguised behind the facade of World Peace they have craftily taken control of the venue that used to be soley against socialism and oppression of civil populations. In 1950
due to the USSR being absent the UN voted to oppose communism in North Korea. Now we see the same organization mutated into a despotic power that advocates the disarmament of helpless persons so they can be slaughtered like sheep. And the really really sad and sick thing is the US
provides a lions share of the money that funds the UN. I vote we kick em out of the US, make em foot their own bills and tell the UN to take a long hike on a short pier.
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