From Sarah Brady and the Brady Center

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Mar 19, 2005
Thought you might like to see what the other side thinks.......



In just the latest chapter, there are 10 dead in Greater Minnesota, and the toll from multiple shootings this year is going through the roof.
For Immediate Release:
03-22-2005 Contact Communications:
(202) 898-0792
Washington D.C. - The bloody attack on a high school in the Red Lake Indian Reservation yesterday can't be viewed as an isolated incident. Though the motivations of the young killer are as of yet unknown, his rampage becomes another entry on a growing list of news reports on horrific gun violence and reports on the ready availability of ever-deadlier weapons.

"In recent months, we have seen horrible shooting attacks in shopping malls, office buildings, courthouses, the homes of judges, private hunting lands and it seems like every other kind of place we like to believe is safe," said Brady Campaign and Million Mom March President Michael Barnes. "And we're deluged with reports about legal guns that can shoot down airplanes, guns designed to kill police wearing body armor, and the FBI being forced to watch as terrorist suspects arm themselves with firearms."

"Our leaders are preaching about the culture of life," Barnes said. "They should spend the same amount of energy taking steps to stop our nation's culture of death."

In Red Lake, Minnesota, America yesterday suffered the worst school related shooting incident since the Columbine shootings in April of 1999. In Philadelphia, Pennsylvanian, a frustrated mayor is urging the state's Governor and legislature to help stem the tide of violence. In Atlanta, a beloved judge, an innocent court reporter and a veteran police officer were laid to rest. In Tyler, Texas, a brutal spouse killed his wife and a bystander and wounded his son with an AK-47 copycat weapon.

In Washington D.C., by contrast, lawmakers have allowed the Federal assault weapons ban to expire, limited law enforcement investigations of gun sellers, mandated the immediate destruction of records of gun sales, and stand poised to make it impossible for victims of gun violence to seek justice against reckless gun sellers in the courts.

"We need to do more to make sure our communities -- and especially our young people -- are safe from gun violence," said Kate Havelin, President of the Twin Cities, Minnesota Million Mom March chapter. "Today I hope all of us think of those who died, those who were injured, and all of those whose lives have been changed because of gun violence."

"When will our leaders have enough?" asked Sarah Brady, Chair of the Brady Campaign. "When will the government do something to help stop the bloodshed? Red Lake sends all of America's mothers and fathers a message about how vulnerable all of our children are."
I have been looking for a simple way to explain the kid used POLICE weapons from a POLICE officers. That is the best I have heard yet!

The latest info about Red Lake - authorities say that 20 students had prior knowledge of the event and some of those actively participated in the planning !!! It's not a GUN problem .
Better question: when will Sarah Brady stop rolling in the blood of innocents?
When she stops making enough $$ from it for it not to be a profitable venture. (no time soon)
But we all know that and you can usually time her/their releases from each incident to the day of issue (24 - 48 hrs after).
The sad fact is that (I'd guess) she makes tens or hundreds of thousands of $$ from each occurance. Pretty good work, saving the world from itself (NOT) and getting paid for it by issuing a press release w/ obligatory plea for more funding to help STOP more GUN violence.
For people who are supposed to be college graduates, the leftist extremists certainly don't seem to be very good at coming up with new lies. They just keep rehashing the same old lies.

I was more creative than that in junior high school, for heaven's sake!
Hello everyone.â„¢

The bloody attack on a high school

You approved the disarming of schools, so why do you view the attacks on the school surprising?

"We need to do more to make sure our communities -- and especially our young people -- are safe from gun violence," said Kate Havelin, President of the Twin Cities, Minnesota Million Mom March chapter. "Today I hope all of us think of those who died, those who were injured, and all of those whose lives have been changed because of gun violence."

1. Make sure the communities are safe by teaching people how to use firearms properly and arming the communities.
2. And let's think about those who died, those who were injured, and all of those whose lives have been changed because of gun control.

"When will our leaders have enough?" asked Sarah Brady, Chair of the Brady Campaign. "When will the government do something to help stop the bloodshed? Red Lake sends all of America's mothers and fathers a message about how vulnerable all of our children are."

1. Our leaders want more. What, do you represent them?
2. Then government will not do something other than to disarm the non-criminals. It is far easier, my brethren, to disarm the lawful citizens then the criminals.
3. Vulnerable? VULNERABLE? You make the vulnerable!!! Let me book that qoute so I have reference to consult...

Dear Ms. Sarah Brady:

You are a extremely unpatriotic individual, looking out not for your country, the safety of the people, and attempting to deny the lawful citizens of this nation of the right to bear arms. Just how patriotic are you, Mrs. Brady?

For the British in the former Colonial times would have cherished you, for the British wished and attempted to disarm the American Revolutionists so they could not bring upon the words "United States of America."

Not only that, you are attempting to needlessly expose the country to danger. How many terrorists do you want in your backyard?

For the armed citizens can help repel an invasion faster than the Army can scramble to action. Why? Because they're already there.

Mrs. Sarah Brady, shame unto you.
When will the government do something to help stop the bloodshed?

It's not the government's job to raise kids and teach them not to kill at random.

A far deadlier weapon roams the streets everyday - illiterate, uneducated, unmotivated people willing to fornicate the day away.

If you REALLY want to get tough on crime, make potential parents register and pass a background check before procreating.

Sounds absurd, doesn't it?

I was going to make a long sarcastic analogy of assault rifles vs. assault penises but I'm too tired and generally not witty enough anyway :neener:
Maybe we should disarm all police officers. That way Red Lake may have never happened :banghead:
You HAVE to phrase the question correctly.

Sarah Brady, have you stopped rolling in the blood of innocents?
Quote: "The latest info about Red Lake - authorities say that 20 students had prior knowledge of the event and some of those actively participated in the planning !!! It's not a GUN problem ."

Your right, it's a red lake problem.
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