from U of WI Secretary of Admin, opposition to CCW

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Dec 26, 2002
Got this from someone. Had to put it up quick. Read and disect, please. They've got a meeting in 45 minutes.

>To: Academic Staff Assembly District 458 Members
>From: Jeanne Hendricks, District Representative
>Re: 2 Items from the Secretary of the Faculty
>Please note the following 2 items.
>The first is a draft resolution concerning concealed weapons
>currently under consideration by the State Legislature. The draft will be
>discussed during today's (Monday 10/13) Assembly meeting and voted upon
>during the November meeting. I don't know at this point to whom and in
>what manner this will be presented, if passed, and I plan to ask this
>afternoon. Please reply with any additional questions or comments you have.

>>Date: Fri, 10 Oct 2003 11:36:14 -0500
>>From: Colleen McCabe <[email protected]>
>>Subject: Concealed weapons and PD Grants
>>To: Colleen McCabe <[email protected]>
>>Assembly reps/alternates:
>>Here are two items (not related!) for you to pass on to your
>>A draft document concerning concealed weapons consisting of two
>>paragraphs follows and is also attached as a Word doc. ASEC has approved
>>this draft for your consideration at the November Assembly
>>meeting. Please pass it on for reaction from your district
>>members. Bruce will mention it at the Oct. Assembly, and there may be
>>time at the end of the meeting for preliminary discussion and questions.
>>Draft - Resolution on the concealed weapons law now before the state
>>The UW-Madison Academic Staff Assembly supports the State of
>>130-year-old prohibition against concealed weapons. We oppose legislation
>>(Senate Bill 214 and Assembly Bill 444) to expand the number of people
>>permitted to carry concealed weapons. If enacted, this legislation would
>>escalate the prevalence of weapons in everyday settings, and thereby
>>reduce the safety of the public.
>>As a governance body, the Academic Staff Assembly has a share of
>>responsibility for the safety of the university campus. In an effort to
>>fulfill this responsibility, we urge Wisconsin legislators to support the
>>recommendations of both the Wisconsin Chiefs of Police Association and
>>the Wisconsin chapter of the International Association of Campus Law
>>Enforcement Administrators.

>>Daña Alder and Read Gilgen, Co-chairs
>>Professional Development and Recognition Committee
>>Colleen McCabe
>>Secretary of the Academic Staff
>>University of Wisconsin
>>270 Bascom Hall
>>500 Lincoln Drive
>>Madison, WI 53706
>><mailto:[email protected]>[email protected]
It's the usual preconceived notion thing. Also, ignorance of the realities of states like Florida and Texas, where the post-CCW has been completely uneventful insofar as danger to the public. The state law enforcement agencies have repeatedly issued press releases saying this.

Standing Wolf, the UW system is one of the biggest drains on the state's economy. Most states have one or two public universities. We have dozens, all at taxpayer expense. Plus, we have "extensions" of the universities.

We have towns where the population is 1500, and 1000 of those folks are students.

What's worse is that we have a "brain drain." As soon as these kids complete a relatively cheap (and good) education, they leave the state for another where they can make more money.

We don't charge extra in tuition for students from another state. Hell, we don't even apply a "grope tax" for those out of state students who try to take advantage of our young women.

All we do is tax homeowners out of their homes and give lifetime golden salaries to aging hippie professors.
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