Frontsight imploding

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Feb 28, 2021
Over on our Nevada shooters board we have been discussing the collapse of Frontsight Training in Nevada. Here is a link to what was sent to their "members" via email on Monday. Iggy is known for his rambling nonsensical emails but this one is a doozy! Much too long to post the text.......

I was gifted a membership many years ago that I never used but always wanted to go out there just never worked out, Guess it won't be happening now.
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Back in 2013, I listened to a discussion about Front Site while attending a Gunsite class. The discussion was between a few of my classmates, not Gunsite personnel.

It wasn’t very positive. They said the instruction wasn’t necessarily bad, but they didn’t care for the administration or the membership stuff. These folks seemed to know what they were talking about. But again, over 8 years ago.

I’ve never attended any Front Site classes personally.
I attended some client demonstrations out there during Shot Show a few years ago. It seemed like a very capable facility, but I know nothing of the inner workings.

The new $3000 per day, plus ammo costs, seems steep to me for non-member training, but I don't have a good comparison.
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So basically the frontsite diamond membership now also comes with a $50 a month or $500 a year fee.

sorry, but I think I’ll pass. I also wonder about the class action suit that the existing members are gonna bring because of this.

feels like he got conned so now members are gonna have to pay for his getting conned.
I feel for anyone who has unfairly lost ANY money invested for training.
Digesting this explanation would require taking a full day off from work.
Diamond membership is supposed to be free classes for life. No other charges except ammo, and a $50 background check for your first class of the year.

now apparently he is going to add $50 a month or you forfeit your membership. Even for those that paid 15k for that membership.

now, lucky for me I was gifted mine and didn’t pay the 15k so I am just out the free classes but for those that did pay, well, I expect there will be a lawsuit.
The shame of this is that the concept of Frontsight was awesome; maybe not the "Ultra-King-Diamond-Family Level Membership" stuff, but the large, destination training center that could provide quality training for larger groups than the other training facilities.

Of course, the concept has to be run by people with a clue, and that seems to be the failing here.

I've attended shooting training at Front Sight, from Gunsight, from Mas Ayoob, and others. In my experience, Front Sight's facilities are excellent and the training is sound. Nobody else in the firearms training field, at least that I've seen, is as good at taking those with little to no shooting experience and teaching them to be safe, accurate, and tactically sound pistol shooters in just a four-day course.

However, FS's business practices have always been a real head-shaker. How they have paid the bills associated with running the facility and putting on classes under the old business model has always been beyond me. It was pretty clear that this restructuring would eventually come.
I always got a bad vibe from FS's ads. Seemed like a country club for gun enthusiasts.
I was on their email list at one time. Even if I could have afforded to go (either in terms of time and/or money), the constant emails about buying and upgrading memberships always put me off just a little. They just seemed, . . . scammish. I'm sorry if they really got scammed, but were I a member, I would not be itching to send them more money. I'd be like: "Oh, I sent you a bunch of money, you got scammed out of it, and so you want me to send you more money now? . . . "
Diamond membership is supposed to be free classes for life. No other charges except ammo, and a $50 background check for your first class of the year.

now apparently he is going to add $50 a month or you forfeit your membership. Even for those that paid 15k for that membership.

That is just doing people dirty.

We had a local range that had 'lifetime' memberships that was forced out of business by the City of McKinney, Texas. There were no refunds on the lifetime memberships. Lifetime was the "life of the range," or lifetime of the purchaser, whichever came first. The forced closure wasn't a 2A deal, but an imminent domain issue.
Iggy apparently sent this out today....... Sorry I don't have a link. Nor do I have words.

I would first like to thank the thousands of members, who upon seeing the email about Front Sight's restructure of our policies, procedures and fees, immediately purchased their Membership Maintenance Fees and sent us positive emails of understanding and support. These members truly showed their care, loyalty and support for Front Sight and I will never forget them.
To THANK these members, who during a very challenging time, stepped up and made the decision to support Front Sight for the greater good, I am designating them as GOLD STAR MEMBERS. Their Membership will remain the same level, but their account will have a gold star on it so the Concierge staff will know these members are the best of the best. I have also ordered very attractive gold star pins to wear on a lapel or hat, that these members will receive on their next visit, so Front Sight staff will recognize our GOLD STAR Members as the best of the best Front Sight members.
As an additional show of my thanks and gratitude for our GOLD STAR Members, I am placing 5 TIMES what you paid for your Membership Maintenance Fees into your F$ Bucks account to use to purchase ammunition and pro shop items! If you chose the $50 per month plan and paid $50, I am adding 250 F$ Bucks to your account. If you paid $500 for your Membership Maintenance Fee, I am adding 2,500 F$ Bucks to your account to purchase ammunition and pro shop items to thank you for your caring and loyal support. Give a few days for the added F$ Bucks to show up in your account.
There will be no further charges on a monthly or annual membership maintenance fee. Of course, whatever our GOLD STAR Members paid for their Membership Maintenance Fee will immediately be credited toward any other charges that may occur in Front Sight's policies, procedures and fees AFTER input and consensus from our members, while allowing our GOLD STAR Members to keep the 250 to 2,500 F$ Bucks I have just given them to use to purchase ammunition and pro shop items. Thank you again. I am truly grateful and look forward to seeing you proudly wearing your gold star.
The number of members who acted immediately in support of our restructuring exceeded BY A FACTOR OF 2, the number of emails we received from members who were concerned or upset with the restructuring. Meaning, within 5 days, we had twice as many GOLD STAR Members to the number of emails of concern or upset. Our range staff, reported a similar finding with GOLD STAR Members walking up to them, shaking their hand and saying essentially, "I LOVE Front Sight! I understand you need to make some changes and I support them. I just paid my $500 Membership Maintenance Fee." We also had numerous members on site who were concerned and distraught over the changes, and for that I am very sorry.
Even though, if I let it play out, we would have ultimately had more GOLD STAR Members than not, I do not want to cause such divisiveness and polarization among our members. We should all be on the same team. We should all be working toward the same goal. We should all want Front Sight to operate for generations to come. We should all want to protect the Second Amendment by positively changing the image of gun ownership, through training responsible citizens to a level of skill at arms that far exceeds law enforcement and military standards. And for that reason and that reason alone, I am placing Front Sight's Restructure on HOLD until we have member input and consensus on any changes in our policies, procedures and fees. This means You WILL NOT lose your membership and any new fees will involve member input and consensus. We will be operating as we did before the restructuring announcement until we can come to some member consensus on changes that need to be made.
One positive change that will remain, that all the members love, is the F$ Bucks now being used to purchase pro shop items and ammunition
Another positive change that will remain, that all the members love, is the reduced pricing of ammunition and pro shop items.
In Summary:

  • Restructuring is on HOLD for member input and consensus.
  • You will not lose your membership.
  • You will not lose any items in your account.
  • Front Sight is open for business, uninterrupted, under the same policies and procedures we have been under for the last 25 years.
  • Every single day of the week, we are training hundreds of law-abiding, like-minded citizens just like YOU.
  • As an example, tomorrow morning we welcome 137 students in Defensive Handgun, Tactical Shotgun, Uzi Submachine Gun, Rifle Marksmanship Skill Builder, and various Private courses. Front Sight is alive and well.
  • Your memberships are intact with no maintenance fees.
  • There are no daily fees.
  • Any F$ Bucks in your account are good to purchase things like ammunition, Pro Shop supplies, food, and background checks.
  • Everything we sell at Front Sight, across the board, is now priced at standard retail.
If YOU are not already a GOLD STAR Member, but would like to be part of positive changes at Front Sight and be recognized as one of the best of the best members when you call the Concierge Staff and see the Range Staff; and would also like 250 to 2,500 F$ Bucks placed in your account to use for ammunition and pro shop purchases like our GOLD STAR Members are doing right now, simply complete the GOLD STAR MEMBER STATUS Enrollment Form today.
And thank you again for your continued loyal support of the greatest firearms training organization, and finest firearms training facility in the world.
Dr. Ignatius Piazza
I have to admit, if I'd coughed up $500 and then got told folks who didn't cough it up didn't have to, I'd probably take my ball and go home.

This dude sounds seriously unhinged, in my non-professional, 'guy on the internet' opinion.

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