Frustrating Conversation with my roommates

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Try the squirt gun thing. I suspect it will be enlightening.

She's erroneously assuming that the BG will waltz up to the door, knock on it, then point a gun to her head as he says, "Hello, miss, we're here to rob the place - please don't make any sudden moves."

Nope. Try an immediate bang, or a blunt object to the head. Life isn't the movies: BG's don't just stand there while you beat them off one by one, as they take shots at close range and miss wildly.

Peepholes, BTW, are a Good Thing. Might want to look into that. Just make sure they use them.
It's useless, dude. Everybody learns in different ways. Some people can only learn by experience. There's no use debating with this type of person - been there, done that too many times. You’ll have to wait until they have a deathly scare, sadly.
It's getting a little too Chuck Norris in here. No offense there, fireman. But there's little chance you wouldn't soil your drawers if two fourth ward hoodlems just kicked in your door and had guns to your and your wife's head..

Supposing you actually did manage to disarm your attacker, his partner would, in short order, be standing over what used to be your dearest loved one..
chrlefxtrt said:
My wife is a convert when it comes to her ability to thwart an attacker. When we were dating, she had mentioned that she thought she could fight off a rapist. I put her to the test so to speak. I told her to try her hardest to "get away from me". She fought back pretty hard, but was unable to make me budge. After our "wrestling match" she understood why I wanted her to get her CCW permit so bad. needless to say she now carries every day.
As disturbing it is to imagine a loved one being sexually assaulted, I think doing something like this will really bring to light how vulnerable they are. A lot of people have this idea in their heads that they are invulnerable, and that they could effectively defend themselves. Unfortunately, it's often the opposite.
You can't expect people to suddenly say "you're right and my whole way of looking at the world is stupid." You planted the seed in their mind. Perhaps in a month they'll suddenly say "We need to take some defensive precautions" as if it's their idea. When they do, just shut up and agree.

p.s. I had to laugh at this. "How could this woman not know what a home invasion is? Has she never watched the news, or read a paper?"

If you've been around people under 30 much you would know that many of them barely know what country they are in. Very few read newspapers or watch the news. Their most common source of news is The Daily Show or Jay Leno.
Would you not consider two roomates who are liable to open the door to YOUR home without honoring the threat, a serious liability? As long as they persist in this naive "it can never happen here" mindset, you are at risk from the consequences of their lapse in judgement and wrong reaction to situational threat.
Agreed i think i was tring to over prove my point. I know it does not matter but it was unloaded. But the point was no matter you're training better to have a gun.

Was not. You took a gun from someone else's possession and did not check it for yourself. That means it was loaded, and thinking otherwise is a good way for someone to be hurt or killed.
Look for new roommates. Life is complicated enough without surrounding oneself with sheep.
There are plenty of gun owners on this site who are of the same mindset as your roommates. I've started a few threads related to carrying at home. There's no shortage of people that show up to say how I'm foolish, how I need to move, etc. Ironically, some of those hypocrites might be here criticizing your roommates. After all, it's just the Internet - Trash Talkers Anonymous. Rock on.
weapons and empty hand skills are all part of the same package. Diferent tools to use at different times. Empty hands are useless if you are 10 yards from a man with a gun. A gun is of limited utility (though not useless) at contact range.
Martial arts and fighting do serve a good purpose in the realm of self defense. But there are a lot of flavors of martial arts. A lot of them are showy semi-violent dancing meant for competitions with points and referees. Real life is not like that. And the fact is, some of the more popular forms of martial arts are pretty useless when fighting someone in real life. Fancy kicks are pointless. Brazilian Ju-Jitsu and Krav Maga are a lot closer to what people should be learning for true "self defense". If your room mate got jumped from behind and got put on the ground, her karate black belt would be useless. Even if the attacker is unarmed.

Learning martial arts is great, but if you want to seriously use it for real self defense, avoid the showy competition oriented styles.
I don't have any belts. Gave a white one back to an instructor once.

If I -feel- a gun to my head, I know where it is. And I know where it isn't. And I also have an idea of where the guy holding it is.

And right about the time the guy is figuring out what that nasty smell is...

Or maybe not... Object is to not get in that position.

With regards to friends who have been raised to live in condition white, anything regarding "guys, maybe we should be a little paranoid?" is viewed with suspicion... Be gentle, and lead them to think, rather than just give them the solution. When they arrive at the solution themselves, they embrace it rather than reject it.

Oh, and long before I ever heard 'em called "mullets," some of us were calling them "handles."
I've been to the range with him and he's a decent shot. but he's the type that just doesn't see past his own nose.. he occuoies himself playing magic the gathering and WoW..

Um...if any home invader tried to force his way into my home to interrupt my WoWing, I definitely can see past my own nose, so at least I've got that going for me, I guess. ;)
I had a girlfriend who thought I was mentally defective for sleeping with a gun under my pillow, that is until she woke up in her new appartment with a knife to her throat and a man raping her in front of her kids. Sad story.

Some sheeple feel the world, or at least the part they live in is a warm, fuzzy place where nothing terrible will happen to them. If you know better, count your self enlightened.
Don't be so hard on your roomies. Hopefully, they will be okay, but the ones that aren't, will some day understand.:)
the person most responsible for your own safety is you.

most people have some naive understanding of this where they may mentally recognize risk and safety and they act carelessly in response.

no one wants to be a victim. but do people choose to be victims? there must be some point of ignorance or carelessness that suggests dereliction of duty to protect youself.
Simple statistics says that you are safe. one homeinvasion each week, in a town of 20 000 homes? says that it will be 400 years before they get to your home, or if they only need to invade half the homes, 200 years. You are pretty safe.
THIS is what we fight against. the risk of being choosen as a victim by a badguy is actually minuscule, especially if you live in a good neighborhood, go to the right school, associate with the right people and later on get the right job.
Most folks doesnt think farther than "hey, it is a really remote risk". But still they drive around in a car with a spare tire for the really remote risk that they will ever get a puncture.
In my opinion a risk that is really remote is still worth planning against, if the possible results of the risk is bad enough.

Compare carrying a gun and knowing how to use it to having a spare tire and knowing how to change it, or to paying for insurance, or to the seatbelt, there are a lots of possible comparisons that may break through their shells of "invulnerability". Oh, and leave the morning paper folded to the home invasions and random rapes and assaults pages when you have finished with it, and turn up rhe volume a little when watching the news, maybe they will get a clue.
Is she really well trained?

I doubt she has any level of skill. Bragging like that comes from people who do not have self-control and humility, which one learns in asian-based martial arts like Karate and TKD.

Fancy kicks are pointless
Hardly. Your legs are much more powerful and longer than your arms. Feet- ball of foot, blade, shin, & knee are all awesome when used by a skilled fighter. Though I do agree that mat work is an important part of any fighter's training, dismissing Taekwon-Do or Karate is a bit myopic from my POV. One well timed and placed kick will likely end the encounter almost instantly.

I have conceded on the point of gun saftey. As far as "It's getting a little too Chuck Norris in here. No offense there, fireman" goes all i stated was it is possible to strip a firearm from a mans hands who is not expecting it. I'm not saying what i would or would not do in that situation being it's never happend to me. I have been attacked from behind and reacted with my girl friend next to me and i kept my witts and my cool and came out on top. That being said as i said earlier i'll take a gun any day over hand to hand but left with no choice i'll fight. I agree get new roomates.

B.T.W hfd is not for any fire department nice try though.
Bragging like that comes from people who do not have self-control and humility
Bingo. That describes her to a T. Although I didn't want to turn this into a 'bag on my roommates' session though they deserve it in many respects, I guess it's just presented as a case study into the mind of the blissfully unaware. As far as the skill level of he female roommate, I'd have to concede that I would feel like she would have very little practical self defense abilities, particularly given her current physical state. The male roommate does stike an imposing figure at 6'5"ish 280-odd pounds or so. But even so, that physical stature withers away under the barrel of a 12 guage with God-only-knows who with his finger on the trigger.
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