Full Length Sizing

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Jan 28, 2007
Lubbock Texas
Question on full length sizing if you set die to push shoulder back by backing it off shellholder. I see shoulder length increase a few thousands so by what I have learned you actually move shoulder forward with die first then by where you set it then it will push shoulder back. I was trying to use compartor setup on match die so I guess setting die back in by setup instructions to touch shellholder will probably be a lot closer to being right than backing it out which increased length by .003-.004. I didn't relize dies actually moved it up and back until it hits shoulder of die which then pushes case shoulder back. Just trying to understand all never really tried to bump shoulder before always just set by die instructions on neck or full length either one. Like to try bushing die and get better loads just wanting to learn better ways.
As the brass enters the resizing die, and until it makes contact with the shoulder inside the die, the body is getting squeezed in, this displacement of brass has only one place to go, up. Then as the die is adjusted down, so as to allow the shoulder of the brass to make hard contact with the shoulder in the die, it then begins to push the shoulder down.

Thanks men I am learning lot better techniques to make lot better ammo less flyers. I will upgrade dies and holders like my ammo to be best it can be then its all my fault when make bad shot. I have good hunting ammo moa shooting ammo just enjoy tinkering with this stuff trying better things.
Thanks again for any help appreciated
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