Fun, or stupid?

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Tsuei Wei is a true hero.
The big knife you are talking about IS the Da Dao. It is actually a broadsword. From a distance away it looks like a very oversized Bowie knife.
He fought for the Nationalist and his brother fought for the Communists. Because Sifu was such a fierce fighter for the Nationalist against the Communists during the cultural revolution his brother was killed because he had the same family name as Sifu.
The Cultural Revolution was a time of great misunderstanding and upheaval. Not even Zhongnanhai(CCP government center) was free from the chaos. The Lin Biao Affair of 1972 almost tore the country apart and started a civil war, because it involved two entire divisions of the PLA who almost fired on each other during the height of the trouble.
One time he told me that he had signed up to fight the Japanese but during the revolution he had to fight Chinese. This really bothered him. It wasn't what he signed up for and he really hated having to do it.
Many Guomingdang soldiers signed up not to fight the Communists but to fight the Japanese. However, when the Motherland Liberation War began in 1946, many found themselves with no choice. Chang Kai loved to use his firing squads, and just in Guangzhou in 1947, he had his troops execute almost 20,000 men, women, and children, on just suspicions that they were involved in the Underground movement. Most of them were innocent civilians, not spies. Sifu was probably too far from Communist lines to make a run for it at nightfall. It would be foolish to do such an attempt if you were deep in Guomingdang lines, because everyone will witness you trying to make a run for it. Since so many Guomingdang officers and soldiers deserted for the CCP lines during the war of 1946-1949, Chang Kai's high command forced every soldier in his armies to spy on each other and report any sign of dissent.
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