Funny comments you have received related to guns

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And asks if I'd lower the hammer, because it makes him nervous (Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?)...
Friend was "fairly knowledgeable" -- just enough to know that a cocked gun can be a dangerous object. He wasn't knowledgeable enough to know what you know, which is that the 1911 is designed to be carried cocked & locked and is not inherently unsafe carried like that.

Sounds to me like a golden opportunity to teach your buddy something about the mechanics of guns.

Unless, of course, you don't know the mechanics of a 1911 well enough to quickly and easily explain them to an ignorant person (I'm not sure I do -- but then, I don't carry a 1911). If that's the case, I guess making funny faces about his comment would probably do the trick of making him back off, without revealing your own less than perfect knowledge. ;)

(Heh, had a friend who was admiring my buddy's little single-action revolver. She commented that it seemed unsafe, since it took such a light trigger pull. I explained how it worked, and then showed her how the trigger didn't do anything at all unless the hammer was deliberately cocked. She instantly understood the point, and was greatly relieved. Definitely a victory for Our Side, as she's always been wary of guns and gun owners.)


Everybody is ignorant, only on different subjects. --Will Rogers
I guess with some people, you just can't win...
Too true!~

Good on ya for trying, anyway.


You cannot teach a man anything -- you can only help him to find for himself. -- Galileo Galilei
Having worked overseas for years, I've always made it a point to visit the local gun-store on the day after my return.
My wife and I were looking at a SKS and I was dickering with the owner about the price.
Out of the "blue" she asks "Just how MANY guns will it take to make you feel safe?"
I looked at Tom, the owner, and responded, laughing, "You've never been over-run, have you?" She was quiet for a minute, and then she paid for the weapon - which was great - because I was buying it for her!
Below my .45-110 Shilo Sharps hangs a sign that reads:

"Yes, it is,
Yes, it does
Yes - (s)he WILL!"

Gentle winds,
NMShooter Which gun shop and when?

Several years ago, I came home one afternoon to find that someone had broken in to my apartment. I called the Sheriff's Office to report it. Two uniformed Deputies showed up and while I was giving them the info, one of them noticed my 1911 laying on the TV where I'd put it when I got home.

Deputy: "Is that loaded?"

Me: "Yes sir, it's too short for a club!"

Both Deputies laughed and said that was one of the best lines they'd heard. No more was said and I was not even asked to unload it nor did they "take control" of it.

When I was still doing Civil War re-enacting, the 3 stock questions from the kids were;
"Is that a real gun? Are you gonna shoot somebody? Can I watch?"

My Brother confronted a prowler once with a 12Ga. Shotgun, the guy said; "If you shoot me, I'll SUE you!" My Brother aimed at his head so he could get a good look down the bore and said; "If I shoot you, you'll be too f***ing DEAD to sue!"
Several years ago at the Gun Room. Now the Carneceria Durango. ;)

That is one of the ways you can tell someone has just moved here from California.

Another favorite: Guy comes in, complains he can't get his .44 revolver to work. Opens the cylinder and two .22 cartridges are jammed into each chamber. He says "See, .22 plus .22 is .44, no?". :uhoh:

The story about the boot gun for bear goes about the same as several threads here. ;)
When I worked in the gun store we would get guys coming in wanting to buy a new "clip" for their gun.
Us; "What kind of gun is it, sir?"
Them: "It's a nine. A nine millimeter."
Us: "Yes, but what brand or model?"
Them: "Lemme check."
Goes to car. Comes back with satisfied look.
Them: "Its a Kurtz. A nine-millimeter Kurtz."

It was of course a Lorcin or Jennings .380.
Had a female friend get stuck at my house in bad weather once.....I offered her my guest/gun room......a little later I heard a knock on my bedroom door.."can you take the guns out of the room,they make me nervous and I can't sleep?".......2 shotguns and a rifle hanging on the wall apparently could spring to life and go on a rampage......people's fear of guns is a little frightening..if they actually took time to THINK about these fears,they'd realize how dumb they are......
I was at Wally World buying some ammo for my AR-15. The kid behind the counter didn't usualy work sporting goods.

I asked for some Winchester White Box in .223 Remington.

Kid gives me a puzzled look and asks, "Well which do you want? Winchester or Remington?"
When I got my first muzzleloader (TC Hawken) I had it and all the loading/cleaning accessories laid out on an old sheet on the living room floor taking inventory to admire and make sure that everything had come with the order. The Wife walked in, took one look, and said "You didn't have enough toys when you were a little boy, did you?"

"Holy moly your shotgun's huge! Look at mine! Mine's a BABY!"

Friend down the street, comparing the size of my J.C. Higgins pump 12 gauge to his NEF youth model break-open single shot 20 gauge
"Don't leave that thing on the table, it might go off."

"Okay sis, let's sit here all day and watch it to make sure it isn't one of those poorly behaved guns that just 'goes off' when it sees someone it doesn't like. You know, kinda like your annoying dogs."

8 hours later, it still hadn't gone off so I patted it, set a treat next to it, and told it what a good gun it was. My sister was not amused.
hahahahahah! ^

"OH my goodness, its really 63 years old?! does it still work?"

no, I just buy the ammunition for looks!
'nother story:

I work with a guy who's very pro gun ... he's a former State Trooper and owns many guns...clearly on "our side".

We were talking about CCW and he was wondering outloud what all it would take to get his CCW ... so since I carry 24/7 I told him, in detail, all he would have to do to get his El Paso County Colorado Concealed Handgun License including what the fees would cost, who he would need to write out the money orders to, where to drop off the paperwork. While I was talking I was downloading and printing out the PDFs of the forms from the Sheriff's web site.

So he says "Cool, thats easier then I thought." ... then he thinks a minute and I see a light go off in his head and he says "So you're carrying right now, aren't you?"

I figure the cats out of the bag so I say "Yeah, I do twentyfour-seven." and pull up my shirt to show him my carry rig ... first words out of his mouth (and I could see on his face that even HE thought it was a stupid thing to say as he said it) was; "Damn, you paranoid or something?"
geeketteWithA9mm: (aka beloved wife, a woman who is about as nurturing and teacherly as they come) So, what's wrong with assault weapons? Why do people get so freaked out about them?

gwa45: Beats me. Sarah Brady and her pals call them "bullet hoses, designed to kill a lot of people quickly".

gwa9: "Hmmm. Well, you never know...{thinks a moment, nods head} Yep.That could come in handy."

gwa45: :D
Misinformed Indiviual: Is that thar thing registered?
Me: (blank stare)
MI: You can't own a gun in AR without papers.
Me: Uhh.....(blank stare continues)...(trying to figure out a way to say it without making him feel stupid)...Yeah you can.
MI: No you can't.
Me: I am no longer there at this point as I have walked off.

Edited to add: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
Nosy neighbor some years ago while peeking over the privacy fence "What's in those bags?" Me "I've just been to the range with my rifles, that's what's in the bags." NN "Can I see one?" Me "Sure." ( zip ) NN "MY God it's not legal for you to have something like that is it?" Me "Yeah , why not?" NN "Well I'm just going to have to tell the police about that!"
A few minutes later there are two officers at the door and NN is watching as they are admiring my M1A. NN "Aren't you going to arrest him and take that thing away from him?" Officer "No, why would we do that?" NN "I can't beleive you are going to let him keep that thing in the house next to mine!"
I've never seen two police officer laugh so hard in my life.
What in the world do you suppose he told the police to make them send two officers like that? "Theres a man with a gun over there. Telling me I've got to beware"??
I love it when morons think they'll get you in trouble by calling the authorities and then it backfires.
I produced a S&W 29 silhouette (10 5/8" barrel 44 mag revolver) and was showing it to my FIL. He asked me if it was mine, I said 'yup'. He asked what I wanted a gun like that for, I said 'to shoot'. He asked 'to shoot WHAT!!?'. I replied 'anything that might need shot'. He handed it back and that was that. The look on his face when I told him 'anything that might need shot' was truly priceless. Some people don't get it.
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