Funny interaction with "conservative" republican today.

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Jun 12, 2005
Phoenix Az
So Im at a gun shop today tooking around and getting a quote on possibly selling my Smith and Wesson M15. As Im walking out the door to my car, which is literally parked right in front, I get approached by a lady with a clipboard. I have the K-frame in my left hand holding it by the topstrap through the cylinder area which was swung out and the barrel pointing straight down.

She askes if I was Republican and I said yes. She then asked if I would sign some paperwork to support JD Hayworth (running against McCain for senate).

I told her I was a McCain fan and that he had personaly helped me with a problem in the past.

Well she starts going on about how McCain really isnt a Republican because he is to liberal and that we need a "STRONG CONSERVATIVE" in office.

So halfway through a sentence she looks down and sees that I am carrying the Smith and stops in her tracks mid word.

She almost yells "Oh My God! Is that a gun!"

I must have stood there with a dumb look on my face for about least 10 seconds. Then I kind of laughed at her.

I mean come on lady. You stopped me leaving a gun store, lecure me about need a strong conservative republican in office and then freak out when you see a gun???????

Luckily this kind of made her leave me alone and she began preaching to the guys who left right after me.
OMG, OMG! Is that, like, a GUN or something?! Ewwwwww!

Nothing surprises me anymore, but I did get a good laugh at your post. Thanks for sharing. :)
To me that just reinforces the fact that conservative\liberal doesn't always translate into pro-gun\anti-gun. Last time I had that happen to me I just responded with "yes....are those boots real leather?"
LOL, see what happens when you're caught pitching the global warming scam?

Sounds like it's gonna be a fun primary for ol' John. :D
LMAO. Thanks for sharing.

As a conservative Republican, I agree that McCain's not right enough for me. Beats a Democrat all to hell though. And, he's a great American!
I think it's funny that she was apparently standing outside a gun store and freaked out at seeing a... gun?

Also, the inevitable "OMG is that a gun!?!?!?"

No... it's a toilet plunger.
I'd love to see Hayworth beat McCain. Global Warming, GunShow LoopHoles, Campain Reform (a joke that was) he is a true progresive.
I hope that the AZ. residents retire him and that god forbid he doesn't try to run as President again.
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