Future governor of Illinois?

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Jan 5, 2003
Westville, Ill.
This is a very importaint subject for all in RKBA especially those of us in the four states without CCW. We in Illinois have survived almost 4 years with a democratic house and senate and a democratic, gun hating governor. A big reason we have done as well as we have is the fine Democrats from the southern part of Illinois who still beleve in RKBA. We need a real Republican Governor not what we have been getting, for some reason our Republican canidites seem to be more like Democrats.
We have what I call a good Republican running, Bill Brady< a 12 year state senator with a consistint "A" rating from the NRA. We also have Judy Topinka, our only Republican holding a statewide office and she seems to be the frontrunner at this time. I can find no real solid info on her as far as RKBA,AWB, or CCW. Normally this means she will not be good for gun owners, but I would rather have solid info on her. When I have accessed her web site the "issues" and "endorcements" pages come up as "not accessable." I have seen where John Birch of Concealed Carry says he will vote for Blago if it is between him and Judy Topinka, but still nothing I can use as fact when talking politics. Help me out if you can. Jim.
Brady is best!

Bill Brady is a solid 2nd A. guy and will not only give us RTC, but will also likely sign the repeal the FOID card law if elected.

Oberweis has dodged the issue in the past, IMHO, and in fact is on record last time around (he's been defeated twice in earlier primary elections) in supporting renewal of our beloved "Assault" Weapons Ban. Today, he's the "new" Oberweis trumpeting his support of the 2nd A. Call me skeptical.

Topinka will probably sign RTC (as would Oberweis) and ISRA leaders tell us (Guns Save Life people) that she is solidly 2nd A, despite (IMHO) being a RINO on other issues.

Gidwitz: Who? He's not going anywhere despite spending a bundle.

The bottom line: Anybody but Blago is a win for civil rights in IL.

Illinois Governor

I am sure hoping Illinois can squelch the Chicago political machine and get ANYONE in there who is (1) not like the current governor, and (2) not like the last governor!

My in-laws live in central Illinois and my wife and I are planning on retiring up there in a 5-10 year window. I certanly WILL NOT give up any firearms just becasue of the #&$*#&#... Socialists happen to be in political power of the state in which I will be living. I would rather not be a "closet felon" if I can help it.

Keep up the fight... it's a worthy one.

ANY information I get will be posted here.
IIRC, Topinka voted solidly against all Pro-2A bills when she was in the Legislature. She's an Edgar Republican. (Basically a RINO and IMHO weak on 2A.)

Oberweis has hit the gun show circuit and has pledged to push Pro-2A bills and CCW. In fact he will be at my club on Feb 23 to speak to the members. He has been [ahem] "'somewhat" anti 2A [cough-AWB] previously but maybe he has seen the light. His Lt. Gov. running mate is weak on 2A.

Brady is very strong on 2A. (Two Thumbs WAAAAAAYYYYY Up),

Gidwitz is more or less an unknown, but his Lt Gov running mate (Rauschenberger) has been strong on 2A in the state senate.

Anywho, I'm sure the question and answer period will be interesting......

But any of the four will be an improvement over the current (non) occupant of the Governor's Mansion.
Templar223 said:
Bill Brady is a solid 2nd A. guy and will not only give us RTC, but will also likely sign the repeal the FOID card law if elected.

Brady, or anyone else, won't give IL anything until the Legislature is changed. Regardless of who is in the guv's seat the current Legislature won't pass a CCW in IL.
Gidwitz should have bought a yacht. He could have thrown a helicopter on the back for what he's paid for absolutely no return in this race.
FWIW, Oberweis and his campaign workers have been making appearances at gun shows for at least 6 months. He's projecting a strong 2A appearance at the moment, but I don't know what his past record is. In Illinois, you can't be sure of anything. What a hellhole :(
His past record is a history of trying to pander to gun owners but still seem "reasonable." He's not much different than the average national Democrat in his approach, kind of like John Kerry. He essentially said he was pro-gun because he didn't want to take shotguns away from hunters and trap shooters. Banning assault weapons, banning concealed carry . . . . well, that's not anti gun, that's just plain common sense.

Then he tried to weasel out of it. I don't trust him.

Topinka says she's the only one who can beat Blagojevich as if that's all that matters, but I don't think it's even true. She's essentially Blago-lite, either aping the Democrat position or remaining deliberately nebulous and misty on issues she thinks are too hot. Witness her gun control position--nobody knows what it is.
Anyway, she's not polling very well against Blago at the moment, and that's not good for someone who seems to think having higher poll numbers than Blagojevich entitles her to the nomination.

Maybe Brady can't win, I honestly don't know. But Topinka is not the lock she presents herself to be. At least Brady is not the same as Blago--or George Ryan.
I would love to see Brady for governor. Do you think he will have a chance at all is the question?

I remember lobbying for a CCW bill when Edgar was governor. I recall being told at that time that Topinka was pro-CCW and pro-gun by the ISRA. I don't have any hard evidence. I have also heard the some of her more moderate to liberal positions are more on social issues - that have been linked to certain, how does one say it, suggestions about sexual orientation - which is also why I heard that the conservatives have been so opposed to her in the past. I've been told that Topinka has carefully been biding her time and actually just doing her job so she could build a resume of an individual that puts getting the job done over partisan politics so that when she chose to run she could campaign on competance and avoid left and right litmus test issues and avoid being painted into a partisan corner. This is just information that I have heard and again I do not mean to suggest that it is gospel. In fact I would be a lot more comfortable if I had more hard information. I have never met her personally, she comes across on tv and in public as being somewhat of a real person - but then she could just play well to the camera. I'm not sure why, but I feel fairly good about her.

As far as Brady is concerned, I've met him a couple of times - (in my job as a counselor I deal with people every day and I've learned to trust my instincts). From meeting him I feel fairly confident in saying that he is a politician's politician. He is the best politician from a political family in Bloomington. That doesn't mean that he won't support a CCW law or that he may not even personally believe in the right to carry or that he isn't pro-gun in his personal beliefs. However, I do believe that he would/will do politically whatever it takes to get elected and to stay elected. If that meant being pro-gun rights then he'd support it, but if that meant being pro-gun control then I truly believe he'd become pro-gun control. I hope I'm mistaken - I have been before.

Guess we need to find out more information.
Topinkavich will win the primary, with Oberweiss coming in second and Brady a distant third. Brady will get enough votes to keep Oberweiss from winning. That is unless things change radically between now and the primary.
It's the Peoples Republik dominated by that cesspool called Chicago- sorry Illini, I sympathize with your plight, but short of the Windy City magically disappearing, there is no hope- My home state of Missouri needs to install fortifications along the Mississippi to defend against "liebersraum" or whatever Adolph used to call it- Blogo is an idiot and his incestous twin in the big C is no rocket scientist either- :D
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