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Aug 27, 2007
I know that this a a little off topic but I am wondering if you guys have videos about goose calls. I am just learning to call and i need more tips. I just cant figure it out. Thank you
If you have the opportunity go to a refuge or area where there are a lot of geese doing what geese do without any unnatural influence. Pay attention to the nature of the call, , the intonation or inflection, the cadence, the volume, and the persistence (how long they repeat that call sequence) compared to what the geese are doing at the time. You will quickly notice that not all geese sound the same making the same call, they make some really 'bad' calls compared to the tapes, and they seldom sound like the 'experts' giving calling advice. The most effective caller I have ever seen in action was a guide who was a mouth caller only.

One of the most ridiculous things I have ever seen/heard in my life was a duck calling contest at a DU event. The finalists didn't sound like anything I have heard in a natural setting.
I'd suggest a good (as in not cheap) call. You most probably won't find a good call for $9.95 at Wal-Mart.

Lots of practice.

Most guys sound like they're blowing a party horn. I have a Tim Grounds "Half-Breed". Hard to learn to use, but it's the loudest and best I've heard. I've turned flocks from 1/2 mile away or more. You have to kinda growl as you blow. If not, the sound is too nasal, hence the party horn sound.
Redneck2 is right. Growl or grunt when you call to get the best sound out of a duck or goose call. Also, make sure your technique includes using your diaphragm to help control volume.
Goose calling is easy compared to learning ducks. It's just a buncha honkin'. Ducks have a vocabulary. :D Of course, the geese down here are snows. I learned from an 8 track tape, should date me a little. Actually, 8 tracks had recently been invented and I was COOL, had one in my 67 malibu SS. The tape didn't impress the chics, though.
Goose calling is easy compared to learning ducks. It's just a buncha honkin'.
Maybe for Snows, couldn't say have never hunted them. Canadians have a vocabulary at least as extensive as a Mallard and a Mallard is the most vocal duck I have hunted. Canadians have hail, greeting, warning, feeding, reassurance calls and they aren't all loud or raucous; some calls are more of a sigh or whine - actually a where/when - form of vocalization.
Snows just honk real high pitched and a LOT of honkin'. You just get on the call and honk, honk, honk. LOL Use your hand to vary the pitch so it sounds like different individuals in the flock. You don't make the low note of a canada, either, the hoooOOONK. It's just ONK, ONK. Speckle bellies cackle, takes a different call, yet. Some call 'em "laughing geese" cause they sound like they're laughing. A canada goose call down here is worthless. I killed a greater canada down here once when I was a kid, the only flock of canada geese I've ever seen in Texas in 40 years of waterfowling, LOL. They're not real common. We get the lessers some folks call "brant", but not the big greaters. Limit on dark geese is still two, I think, and light (snow and blue) is 12 or maybe it's 20 now. They're very overpopulated and the seasons have been lengthened and even electronic calling was legalized (I think, they were talkin' about that anyway) in an attempt to get populations under control. They're tearing up the tundra in their nesting areas and avian cholera is a real possibility when populations get as much as they are with the snows. I haven't hunted geese in about three years, though I take 'em occasionally while duck hunting, call 'em without deeks. Loners looking for company can be real susceptible to a call and specks are really stupid, will come to a snow goose call, so I never bothered with speck calls.

Since I don't know where the poster is from or what species he'll be after, I can't elaborate past this and if it's canadas, I have no experience anyway.
One of the most ridiculous things I have ever seen/heard in my life was a duck calling contest at a DU event. The finalists didn't sound like anything I have heard in a natural setting.

-----It's not about calling ducks, it's about calling judges. It's fun ,and the callers can work real duck's and geese just fine.

To the OP,

If you are looking for Instructional DVDs or Cd's you can go to RNT, GK Calls or Jeff Foiles websites.
Like the man said, if you're good enough with a call to win calling contests, chances are you can also call the real thing. No, what it takes to win a contest isn't what it takes to call a real bird, but the skills with the call are the same. Hey, I don't sit around and practice with the call, wife'd run me out of the house. But, I've been callin' ducks for 40 years now and do a decent job, but I do hit a sour note now and then. The guys in these contests can call and call and call. It's like a professional trumpet player, you never hear a sour note. It's practice, practice, practice. I mean, you ain't gotta read music or anything, but I can still hear the practice when have seen these contests. They've put 'em on at the Bass Pro in Katy occasionally and we were up there shopping at the mall once when they were putting one on. I enjoy hearing the contestants under no illusions that they are real mallard hens. LOL
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