General C&R question

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Aguila Blanca

May 5, 2004
I hope someone can enlighten me. I do not have a C&R, but I keep seeing/hearing recommendations that I should get one. I do currently own a couple of long guns that would be eligible for C&R status if I were to purchase them after obtaining the license. No C&R-eligible handguns at this time ... but I'm looking.

My question: It is my understanding that a C&R licensee, just like an 01 FFL, must maintain a "bound book" with e record of his or her C&R acquisitions. If I were to obtain a C&R license now, would C&R-eligible firearms I had previously purchased through an 01 FFL have to be added to the C&R bound book, or are they separate by virtue of having been purchased through "regular channels"?

Separate. Only guns acquired while licensed need to be in the book.
You only need to enter them in the book if you dispose of them while you are licensed.

The C&R is great to have, a single purchase can pay for it with the transfer fee you've saved. Turnaround time on the licenses is currently pretty fast, too. Mine arrived in only twenty days from mailing, I've heard of faster, but none over a month. Go for it!
In addition to saving on transfer fees and the ability to have these weapons shipped directly to your door, the dealer discount is worth much more the 10 dollar annual fee.
You enter guns into it that were acquired while the license is in effect. Previous acquisitions (or dispositions thereof) don't get logged, but ones purchased with the C&R or not while it is good do get logged.
Technically, you only have to enter items that you collected using the license.

No, that's wrong. You need to enter all the C&R eligible firearms you acquire, by any means, into your bound book for the time you have the license. It doesn't matter if you used the license to acquire them or not, all C&R acquisitions need to be recorded in the book.

For firearms you acquired before you had a C&R, you would only enter them if you dispose (sell) them while you are licensed. In that case, you'd put a notation in the entry "Acquired before licensed" or something similiar.

This is all explained in the info you'll get when you receive your license. Most of it is also up on the ATF web site as well.
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