General Joe Foss: 1915-2003

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Dec 26, 2002
General Joe Foss - - passed away today at the age of 87.

Though many of us may remember General Foss as a former President of the National Rifle Association ('88-'90) he was also a WW2 ACE (26 kills) and a great American of the type found to seldom in these times.
Nuts! When he was President of the NRA, I wrote him and thanked him for his services to the country. I also got an autographed photo from him. It goes well with the Naval Institute Press print of Foss shooting down a Zero over Guadacanal. One inaccuracy about the print though. According to Foss, hit a Zero right and the plane explodes with the pilot popping out like a pea from a pod. :) The pilot isn't popping out in the print.
Joe Foss

I just saw news of his passing while watching the evening national news (can't remember which channel).

I made a comment to the other half that when they were listing Foss's life-long accomplishments, they left off his presidency of the NRA. Obviously not PC for the evening news to say an American Hero was an NRA member/president. :scrutiny:

That along with the fact that failed to mention that he was denied boarding on an airplane, post 9/11, because he was carrying-on his Congressional Medal of Honor. It has a five-pointed star with sharp edges. I suppose if you can't trust anyone with anything sharp, why trust a Congressional Medal of Honor holder that earned that right while defending his country. :rolleyes:

I met him a number of times when I was working for American Rifleman magazine.

A nicer guy you couldn't even hope to ever meet.

According to the news blurb I just read, he had been in a coma since the fall. That's the first I've heard of that.
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Picked it up on NBC and noted the omission of the General's NRA Presidency.

But they made sure to note that the General and Tom Brokow were friends. We can't have it known that Tom was friendly with an NRA President, it wouldn't look good to Tom's liberal friends.
A great man has passed.

One of my childhood hero's.

Wildcats, Governor, AFL Pres., NRA Pres. Sportsman par excellance.


Another hero passes....I can honestly say that my generation has produced few of his caliber.

I am saddened by his passing....

Amen, Ed. Give thanks for all he was able to give to his country. And, for those of you who share a faith in the life to come - just think of the reunions he's having up there right now, with everyone from Washington to modern heroes! There'll be overtime in the heavenly brewery tonight... :D
I've heard it said that over 1,000 WWII vets die each day. How sad his time had to come. Let's hope that someday the U.S. can produce another incredible generation of patriots.

Horny Toad
A great American, and we're all diminished by his passing! :(

Sad that most Americans had never heard of him before the MOH incident at airport security....
The airport in Sioux Falls SD is named after him. It has a large bronze statue of him in the lobby. It depicts him in his WWII flying gear. I spent a week in Sioux Falls last year...when I walked past the statue, I paused and thought of him and his service. A true patriot. He will be missed.
High Flight

Oh, I have slipped the surly bonds of earth
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
Sunward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth
Of sun-split clouds -- and done a hundred things
You have not dreamed of -- wheeled and soared and swung
High in the sunlit silence. Hov'ring there,
I've chased the shouting wind along, and flung
My eager craft through footless halls of air.
Up, up the long, delirious burning blue,
I've topped the windswept heights with easy grace
Where never lark, or even eagle flew.
And, while with silent, lifting mind I've trod
The high untresspassed sanctity of space,
Put out my hand, and touched the face of God.

John Gillespie Magee Jr., RCAF

The President of the United States
in the name of The Congress
takes pleasure in presenting the

Medal of Honor to


Rank and organization: Captain, U.S. Marine Corps Reserve, Marine Fighting Squadron 121, 1st Marine Aircraft Wing. Place and date: Over Guadalcanal, 9 October to 19 November 1942, 15 and 23 January 1943. Entered service at: South Dakota. Born: 17 April 1 915, Sioux Falls, S. Dak.


For outstanding heroism and courage above and beyond the call of duty as executive officer of Marine Fighting Squadron 121, 1st Marine Aircraft Wing, at Guadalcanal. Engaging in almost daily combat with the enemy from 9 October to 19 November 1942, Capt. Foss personally shot down 23 Japanese planes and damaged others so severely that their destruction was extremely probable. In addition, during this period, he successfully led a large number of escort missions, skillfully covering reconnaissance, bombing, and photographic planes as well as surface craft. On 15 January 1943, he added 3 more enemy planes to his already brilliant successes for a record of aerial combat achievement unsurpassed in this war. Boldly searching out an approaching enemy force on 25 January, Capt. Foss led his 8 F-4F Marine planes and 4 Army P-38's into action and, undaunted by tremendously superior numbers, intercepted and struck with such force that 4 Japanese fighters were shot down and the bombers were turned back without releasing a single bomb. His remarkable flying skill, inspiring leadership, and indomitable fighting spirit were distinctive factors in the defense of strategic American positions on Guadalcanal.

Citation Courtesy of

God bless General Foss, and his family. Rest in well earned peace.
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