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George Stringer?

  • Thread starter Rick from Kalifornia
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Rick from Kalifornia

Any one here ever had any work done by George Stringer and if so how was it??
The reason i asked that question is to see if anyone here got burned by him other than me. in july of last year i sent him a 6.5 carcano rifle to be re-barreled by him. being an uncommon caliber i had to have P.T.G. in Oregon make me a 6.5 carcano chamber reamer and headspace guage. that cost me $172.00 i paid him $550.00 for a 6.5 sheilen C/M barrel blank and he was to true the action thread/chamber/and headspace it and also re-blue the whole gun. when i sent it to him in july of 2002 he told me it would take him two months to complete. after two months i called him and he said that sheilen sent him the wrong barrel. in late november that year i still did not recieve the gun, and finally was able to get ahold of him and he told me to send him the balance owed by Pay Pal and he would have the gun to me before christmas.
after xmas and still no gun i continued to call him and e-mail him and still no reply. come january 6th of 2003 i get a e-mail from saying that my gun was finished but just needed to be blued and he would have it to me by that next week. well the next week came and still no gun. again i tried to call him and e-mail him but got no reply. two months latter after trying to get ahold of him through hi e-mail and phone number i finally get a e-mail from his wife telling me that he had a heart attack and that it would be a while before he went back to work. so i e-mailed him back and told him to send me back the gun gun finshed or not and to deduct from the $550.00 for any work that he did and refund me the rest and to also make sure that he sent me back my carcano reamer and headspace guage.another two months went by before i was able to to get ahold of him. i finally got the gun this last tuesday and was horrified when i opened the box. nothing was blued, the barrel was off of the reciever and the threads on the barrel shank looked like they were stripped and did not match the threads in the reciever. you can slide the reciever three quaters of the way on the barrel shank before it will start to screw on. i put a sized 6.5 carcano case in the chamber and it slid in the chamber and the rim of the case was below the breach face so it is not chambered right.
and my 6.5 carcano reamer and headspace guage was not in the box. when i called him and asked him where those items were he said that they forgot to pack them with the gun but he would send them to me next day air. well next day air and still no reamer or headspace guage. so i try to call him and Lord and Behold his phone number is dissconnected. also his web page is gone and he is not answering any of my e-mails. so it looks like he burnt me Big Time as now i am out of pocket $772.68 and have a rifle that's just parts now. it doesn't even look like i can salvage the barrel the way he hacked on it. so to any of you reading this be wary of any gunsmith working out of Earlington Kentucky as he probably has changed his business name already. it's guy's like this that give gunsmith's a bad name. oh, he solicated me over at the AGI forum that i frequent that's how all this came about. but i'll never forget George Stringer. hope this info helps some one.
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I've read that George has had a heart attack and other health issues. Before calling him a crook on a public forum, I'd verify all circumstances including who's minding the shop in his stead.
EDIT: Deleted as repetitive.
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Rick, I'm sorry about your plight, and I agree that you have rights in this case, namely to your property and to services you have paid for. I just wouldn't go as far as labeling someone a crook without being abreast of all details - do you even know if he is still among the living, for instance? Think about it...you are putting a man's good name on the line, who may be gone or on his way out...

Hope you resolve this, I wish I had a contact to offer but I don't...
I spoke with George Stringer 5:00 p.m. california time tuesday the 13th of may 2003 so yes he was alive at that time. a hour latter i called again and his son answered and wouldn't let me speak with George. if you read my post again you will see that i sent him the rifle in July of 2002 last year. so i ask you how long does it take to rebarrel a rifle. it's been 10 months and $722.68 latter and all i have to show for that is parts. at least when i sent it to him it was still shootable. so now i have no way in which to contact him and no way to get this resolved except through legal channels which i really did not want to do but he has left me no other recourse. what am i suppose to do, just say oh well to that $722.68 i don't think so. i worked hard for that money. i spoke with the Attorney's Generals Office of Kentucky today and they informed that even being from out of state i still have legal recourse under Kentucky Law. so if you or anyone else on this board can come up with a way to contact George Stringer, by all means please do so. all i want is my 6.5 carcano chamber reamer and headspace guage back and i will eat the $150.00 price of the barrel of the $550.00 that i sent him as i will have to find another gunsmith to do the work over again. is that asking too much. i guess it is cause like i said i don't have any way in which to contact him. if you have another solution romulus i'm open to it.

Regrettably, similar circumstances overtake many gunsmiths who fall into ill health and cannot complete projects because they are unable to work at their trade. If you follow the web sites devoted to firearms and gunsmithing, this is apparent.

George is known to many of us frm TFL. I speak for many, I'm sure, when I say I hope you will not label George a crook.

Can anyone please help get Rick's tools back to him?
EDIT: Deleted as repetition.
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Lots of people have heart attacks, hospitalized and return to normal lives. He's obviously living, but somehow refusing to deal with this problem honestly. If I were a decent man in his position, I wouldn't have accepted a penny from Rick and would do whatever it takes to make it right.
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I've never met George, though I've cooresponded with him from time to time. It does appear that he is still alive... Sort of.

The story I got was that he had his attack while at work and he did die. For several minutes he was clincally dead, but his son applied CPR and brought him back. Good for his son!

But, as is frequently the case when someone goes through this sort of trauma, he has some lasting problems. Loss of memory is very common since blood flow to the brain is cut off for awhile. Many gunshop owners keep only minimal records, maintaining much of their scheduling and customer related information in their heads. I assume this is the case with George. While you're suffering considerable financial hardship from this chain of events, it could be worse. For instance: Don't get so worked up you have a heart attack.
If this is the case, it's odd that his son and wife aren't speaking up for him. The correct behavior should be to communicate with past/pending customers of his condition and arrange for resolutions. Disconnecting the phone and hanging people out to dry is not right.
. . . .
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Rick: sorry to hear you got reamed. It is definitely unfair that you will be out of pocket so much to re-do the work. If this was a business that he ran, his family may not be liable for the debts he had incurred. He may have been a nice guy and a lousy buisness man who overextended, took business he couldn't get to right away, and made optimistic promises.

I suspect you will be able to get your tools back with little problem because they are your property and you can prove that. As for monetary reimbursement, that may be harder: it's possible he may just declare bankruptcy and nobody gets anything. It really sucks when you have to write it off and move on, (it has happened to me), but that's how the law reads. Sometimes you just get the shaft and have to take the lumps from bad luck.

That totally sucks, dude. This might be one of those things that you have to chalk up to experience, regrettably. I hate the fact that rip off artists like this go around enjoying a great online reputation. I feel for you man.
I agree it sucks. However George has been around TFL for years, I think habitual incompetence or habitually dishonest business practices would have surfaced in that time. JollyWhite has given us experience to the contrary...worth a look before jumping to conclusions about a man's character.

Rick, I am sorry for your woes and hope you can resolve this
Wasn't George Stringer the Moderator for this here Gunsmithing & Repair board? If so, THR staff may know more about his condition than we do. They should speak up.
Just learned in the staph forum that George is a victim of Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA).

Ask any doctor and you'll learn that everybody recovers differently. Some spring back in a couple of months (I have one friend who is about 98%) and it's a wake up call for them to get into shape. On the other hand, some take months before to make a partial rcovery and even then they won't be working at the level they were prior to SCA.

As to George, we wish him well. We don't know when George will be back. From this thread, I know some folks are frustrated and I can't fault them. Please remember that all guns left with a Smith are entered into the records. Title remains with the owner and ultimately they must be returned. While I can't speak for George or his son, if George is permanently disabled, I'm sure they will conduct themselves honorably.
The last time that George posted to this forum was the last time we heard from him to the best of my knowledge. I've emailed him a couple of times since February with no reply.
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Rick, you've stated when you sent off your rifle to George around 6 times already. We understand the timeline here. I think the large majority of us feel you did, indeed, get the shaft in this deal. George's later heart attack doesn't excuse him from completing the work in around the time promised.

We understand. However, there's nothing any of us can do about it, so that is why you aren't getting many comments on the timing. No one is trying to make excuses for George. We understand.
I understand. I lost over a grand once due to a gunsmith's death. The people left to straighten out the situation did the absolute best they could considering that they had very little written information to work with. And it did take some time to figure it all out.

I also understand that ranting and raving in public and calling people names doesn't solve anything - no matter how good it makes you feel.

Good luck getting your problems resolved.


We CAN use a calendar. We DO understand what you are saying.

However, YOU have had more recent contact with Mr. Stringer than we have.

We DO NOT have access to unlisted phone numbers, email addresses, or websites that are unavailable to you.

The phone number you had is the same one we had. The email address you had is the same one we had. The URL to a website is the same one we had.
I sympathize with your plight sir, but may I offer the thought that it (surmising) dang sure wasn't done to you intentionally. The fact of the matter (on this planet) is that;

Feces happens.
People get busy and behind.
People can be forgetful.
People are only human.
Falling behind can be the mark of a good workman cause everyone wants them to work for them. (right NOW)
Just because you contracted for a job with him doesn't mean the world started revolving around you.
With good gunsmiths, proposed delivery dates are (in my mind), proposed probabilities. (If the sky dont fall, heart attack dont come, wife dont feel neglected, workload dont bury them, etc.)
Its only money, some things are more important. I realize this may be hard to swallow when you are the one getting the short end of it but sometimes you gotta rise above petty frustration and be big about it.

George has done one job for me, custom built an extended mag tube for my sons 870 YE 20 ga., and it was late but good work. I didn't beat up on the guy for it being late. Just appreciated the completed good work. Every anxious phone call to him was met with respectful apologies and in no way did the guy ever leave me with the impression that he was a hack or crook or anything bad. A spirit of patience and understanding may not get your gun or money back as you wanted, but you'll feel better about it throughout the waiting process. Did you try saying a prayer for the man or just sit around cursing him?

Again, I DO sympathize with your situation. But lighten up on the man. There's obviously more to this than is known at this time.
George has always been a big help to me and many others, both on his own smithing board and through e-mails.

I have known many gunsmiths, factories, ect that have had problems similar to yours. While there has not been any intentional wrong doing by them that I am aware of, screaming about it only hurt their situation.
On the flip side, I was in at my Smith's today. A gentleman was in with his cowboy guns, he had trigger jobs and free-spin prawls put in them at different times. One was much smoother than the second and the cylynder spun smoother as well. Gunsmith said leave em both so I know what you are looking for and I will get right on it. Everyoen was polite and everyone was happy.

The point of this story Rick is that you came in here blasting George Stringer about being shafted. I have known him to be an honest man who will correct his mistakes if given the chance. We all understand you are having troubles getting ahold of him for your tools. If you would calm down a second and just ask us if we know how to get ahold of him or canhelp you I am sure many of us would. Most of the time in the gun world you will get a hell of alot more acomplished with asking for help and even a calm frustration than you will with flames. Calm down a sec will ya.
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