Georgia HB 89 Petition

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Done. Thanks to the meddling of the anti-gun Senate (all of whom refused to vote on the changes to the House bill) we are very rapidly running out of time in this legislative session for any relief. I will remember, in November.
Is it possible that they are waiting for SCOTUS to make their decision on Heller?

No, it's the usual Georgia politics. Both the Democrats and Republicans in the GA legislature say that they support gun owner's rights, that is except when it comes to voting for them. Basically, every proposed reform for the last ten years or so has been killed in some back-room deal. Most gun bills don't even make it out of committee.

True reform of Georgia's horrible CCW laws won't come until the dismissal of those representatives who won't put their vote where their mouths are. Unfortunately, no alternatives to the status-quo ever run for office. For all intents and purposes, a legislative seat in the Georgia capitol is a lifetime appointment. The only choice is between a moderate (or sometimes "conservative") incumbent or a ultra-liberal gun grabber challenger. In fact, many of the people on my ballot run unopposed. I'm not even going to get started on the "Gerrymandering" situation.
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