Getting My Life Back....

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Dave McCracken

Moderator In Memoriam
Dec 20, 2002
I left my cane in the gun rack. I had my Beretta, a box of shells and Range 7 at PGC all to myself. I stuck my ear plugs in, walked to the controller for the Canterburys and turned them on. I did a few stretching exercises, dropped two shells into the B-gun and prepared to shoot. I grunted for the bird and noted as I mounted that I was grinning like a possum....

This last month has been rough. Hip replacement is a major invasion of the body and my old, diabetic carcass is slow to heal. There's been lots of pain, lots of painkillers leaving me uncomfortably numb and being helpless.

I don't do helpless well.

Still I made progress. While I'm onery, cantankerous and stubborn, I did everything the medicos told me to because I was convinced it was tbe best way to get well.

My Orthopedist saw me last Monday and cleared me to drive. And shoot.

I saw my latest Physical Therapist Wednesday. After explaining exactly what a round of trap or wobble entails, he smiled and told me it sounded like a good idea.

They both told me not to "Push It".

Silly Doctors. "Pushing It" has been an integral part of my life since early childhood. "Pushing it" is part of the reason I needed new parts this early in life.

Anyway, I called for the first bird and missed it.

Missed the second also.

Missed the third, chipped the fourth and then my rhythm came back. Hit most of the rest squarely and has a glorious time. Took the last few shots over by Skeet Two and enjoyed each one.

The trapper came over to get my ticket as I walked off the line. We knew each other, and shook hands. Roger said he had heard I was post surgery and wanted to know how I was doing. I brought him up to date and noted I was moving free and easy without a limp.

After talking a bit, I gathered up my stuff and left. I was whistling along with AC/DC's Highway to Hell as the Cherokee headed home.

I'll be shooting with the Geezers today, so I just shot one round. After all, no reason to "Push It"......

As one "old geezer" to another, you and I know if you had not pushed it, you would never have gotten this far. Roll on brother, roll on!
Dave - There's not much that could have started off my day better than reading this post. I'm glad you're doing better and getting to grind some up. :)
As an official member of the Geezers club, I welcome you back. I went a year without shooting due to catract surgeries and I was giggling like a school girl the first time I got out and exercised my 1911. Rock on! :D
Hi Dave, I had my right one done back in 1979 due to a motorcycle accident. Easier when you're younger but I worked for 21 more years and did every thing I needed to do. I'm retired now and enjoying life and glad to be a member here. It'll get better and you will have more tales to tell.

Hooray! :D Powder smoke smells even better than usual, doesn't it? Glad that you're back on the range.
Dave McCracken said:
I don't do helpless well.
We figure that you've never had much practice at it.

Run 'em, Dave.
Many thanks, folks. It's nice to know lots of folks are pulling for me.

Almost all of the Geezers made it today. Superreverb was the sole exception. Doubtless he's touring with da Band.

They all were glad to see me. That didn't stop a little hazing when I was shooting. Part of the fun.

I just shot one round of Chinese. Not my best score, but I never had more fun out there. Left totally drained. Still exhausted, but part of that was Physical Therapy later. A lot for one day....
Congratulations, sir. Keep it up! I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say you have our support.
Great news Dave. Maybe you can convince your therapist of the restorative virtues of clay target shooting for his other patients. You might start a new trend. :)
Thanks, folks.

Paul, I did talk to the receptionist about it. She could use a little stress management....
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