Glock 17 or 19 ???

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Glock 17 or 19

Crazydog - What are you looking to do with the gun? I have both models and they are GREAT guns. My first was the G17 and then I bought the G19 as a sidekick. I know a lot of guys like the G19 better for carry purposes. Either is a good choice. Glocks simply WORK and they are a good choice.

...a gun for shooting range and home defense, not looking for concealed carry gun.
For purely range/home defense, I would pick the slightly larger G17. It holds two more rounds and is a great gun. I like it so much that I just picked up a black G17 to go with my OD G17.

Don't get me wrong the G19 is a great gun. I have one too, and am thinking about making it my primary CCW. It would be taking over for my Glock 30.

I would still recomend a G19 even tho you only want it for HD and range duty. The G19 will accept any mag a G17 will, and one day you may change your mind about concealed carry. If and when you do, you'll already have a great gun for it.
Go with the G19. It's smaller and more concealable, even if you don't plan to carry it, you just never know. Plus it takes the same mags the G17 takes and it handles just as well, so there's no reason not to go with it.
My advice is to handle each. Get the one that feels better. Despit having large hands, the G19 just feels better to me.
I have owned G34's and a G19. In 9mm, I now only have G17's and a G26. It all comes down to personal opinion, but between the two, I would pick the G17 hands down.
Hello crazydog,

Ditto Rob96's comments. In addition, if others will be shooting your handgun it is my opinion that the 19 will not only fit the majority of folks a little bit better but also move somewhat easier if you should ever decide to sell it. With regard to concealed carry, you may change your mind at a later time...others have.

Bottom line, get the one that feels the best to you.
Both are fine guns , see which one fits you best and get that one first . Because you will always wonder if you should have gotten the other one instead so you are going to wind up with both any way. and have fun
I use my G17 for competition, and carry a G19 as a CCW. I have another G19 3rd gen with a Glock Light for night time adventures.:neener: Get both. If you are going to primaily carry, get a 19. Or, get a 17!
I prefer the 17 for general range shooting and keeping around the house, but I like the 19 a lot too.
I've got a G17. Its a good gun, fits my hand well, still working on the accuracy(my problem, not the gun's). personally i think the G19 feels a little small in my hands.
If they both feel equally good in the hand, go with the G19. The 19 can basically do anything the 17 can do. You can't shrink the 17 if you ever do decide to carry. As much as I love my G22, if I had it to do over, I would have bought a G23. Only because I can't have a G18!

A couple of things to remember,

A longer pistol has better muzzle velocity and sight radius. The bullet leaves the muzzle faster, and it is easier to aim accurate. In real life, these differences may be negligible.

The 19 frame is a touch smaller. If you have big hands, you might like the 17 fit better. I had a .22 conversion kit for my G-22, and that made it a lot more convenient to practice with.

I was raised by a purist. He taught me that (in life and death situations especially,) the mission is always more important. Pick the tool that is best for the job. What you honestly find is, comfort from the frame size is relative anyway. If you aren't used to carrying at all, a very small gun will be very uncomfortable to you because you aren't used to it. If you have a Desert Eagle, you might be so enthralled by the fact you are allowed to carry it, you can put it in a shoulder holster and it never seems uncomfortable to you because you like it so much.

I also have a bit of a problem with the industry telling me I have to have a different gun for everything. I'd like to think I am comfortable with my primary pistol, (I now carry a full-size Kimber Custom II 1911,) and I use it for every day carry, I carry it when I hunt deer, I can convert it to .22, (if I had time and money) I could compete with it, and if I wouldn't get into serious trouble for it, I would carry it to war. If I have the gun that does everything right in the first place, why would I be convinced it is necessary to have a compact version of the same thing for a VERY little bit of comfort?
IMO, Glock's best guns are their 9mm's and of their 9's, the G19 is the best. Right size for carry, your hand can get a good grip on it w/o a digit hanging off and shoots really well (as long as the shooter does their part). :D
Get the 19 :D
I also have a bit of a problem with the industry telling me I have to have a different gun for everything

Thats how i justify my NEED for more guns. ;)
Isn't the 17 more useful for shooting underwater? I mean the gun is safer to shoot underwater than it's little brother, right?
check out the last paragraph. Though there is a video on youtube of a glock 19 being shot underwater.

Go with the one that is more useful for the job. CCW- the G19. Anything esle-G17.
Or, you could have both. Below is a pic of a gun that we recently finished for a customer. It started out as G17 but was chopped to a G19 and given a grip reduction. This gives you the balance and longer sight radius of the full-sized gun but the concealability of the mid-sized frame.
This gun will be featured in a popular magazine in a month or so. I'll let you know which one when it hits the news stands.
Or, you could have both. Below is a pic of a gun that we recently finished for a customer. It started out as G17 but was chopped to a G19 and given a grip reduction. This gives you the balance and longer sight radius of the full-sized gun but the concealability of the mid-sized frame.

Hell ya! I just picked up a G17 for this express purpose! :D

David Bowie has some sweet examples as well:
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