Glock Generations

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Jan 22, 2007
After some consideration I have decided to buy a Glock 9mm. However after a long time spent looking and feeling different Glock models, I find the older non finger groove models feel the best to me. Most in this form seem to be the 17, but I would love to find a smooth 19 or 26. I take it only the first and second generation Glocks had no finger grooves. I am just crazy, or do others also feel the non finger grooved Glocks feel the best?
Not crazy at all but I will go with the gen 4 thank you very much. (More early ones for you) And for my money Glock could keep the extra back-straps and knock a few bucks off the MSRP.

How can you not love a G19?
I find the various Glocks with finger grooves (26, 27, 19 (two of them), 22, 23 and 30SF to be a perfect fit for my hands; same for my wife. I never realized there were problems with the finger grooves and fit until we got the internet. Funny how that works, in so many cases, with "problem" identification and old wives tale validation.

I own a couple of Glocks without the groves (Gen 2 20 and Gen 2 17) and bought Hogue Handalls for both to give the finger groove effect.

You have to try them for yourself and make a personal decision.
You can, but see if it is worth it. It will cost you, I'd guess, $100 in resale value. An irreversible custom job often narrows the gun's appeal.

I don't like finger grooves either. Living with them is easier on Gen 4 because of the grip inserts. Others use grip socks.
Just handling a gun dose little to let you know how it will feel when you shoot it. You need to shoot them! The older glock 9mm's are good. Find a nice used one and put new springs in it. Good to go!
Thanks for the tips. And no it is not the internet. I despise finger grooves on combat handgun. Even on my revolvers. Unless they are fitted to my hand ( I have stocky fingers), I find finger grooves to be in the wrong places and make recoil worse. I really want a Glock but I guess I just have to find an older one. And as ugly as Glocks are, I think they look better slick anyways.
Amen to that. You can get a new barrel or a whole Gen 3 upper. The lower will serve you faithfully, nothing happens to them.
Glock had it right with gen2-3. If u like groves and want a light rail get a gen 3, if u don't get a gen 2. Gen 4 is a step back imho
I prefer the Gen 2, no finger grooves work better for me.

I have one Gen 3 with a Streamlight TLR-1 attached to the light rail for household use.

Just my .02,
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Gen 4 G17.

Just bought a blue label a few weeks ago and finally got it to the range yesterday. 150 rounds and zero malfunctions using Nato Spec 124 gr FMJ and a few assorted rounds of JHP. I ended up using the medium size beavertail backstrap which made a world of difference.

I usually hate finger.grooves as they force your hand into 2 positions, either comfortable or uncomfortable. The G17 Gen 4 is a lot more forgiving with the longer grip length conbined with the backstrap inserts.
I prefer the Gen 2, no finger grooves work better for me.
Same here. Since I don't use rail mounted lights or lasers on my handguns the later generation Glocks offer me no advantages over the Gen2 and the have the DISadvantage of finger groves that don't fit my hand.
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