GOA Alert

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Mar 1, 2004
Dec 2005
Staunch Gun Rights Defender Vying For Open Congressional Seat
Gun Owners of America Political Victory Fund E-Mail Alert
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102
Springfield, VA 22151
Thursday, November 17, 2005

Dear Second Amendment Supporter,

Howard Kaloogian might not be a household name outside of his home state of California, but perhaps it should be.

In 2003, Kaloogian served as the Chairman of the Recall Gray Davis Committee. Gray Davis was one of the most anti-gun Governors in California's history, but with Kaloogian's help he became the first statewide elected official recalled in the Golden State.

As a California Assemblyman from 1994-2000, Mr. Kaloogian fought tenaciously against the most radical anti-gun agenda in the country. Working with Gun Owners of America, Kaloogian lead the fight against SB 23, the expansion of the ban on "so-called" Assault Weapons, and SB 15, the Safe Handgun laws that were really meant to ban small affordable handguns.

Now, Mr. Kaloogian is running in an election that could bring his fiery pro-gun conservatism to the U.S. Congress.

Due to the resignation of the incumbent Representative in California's 50th District, the seat is open for a special election to be called by the Governor in the coming weeks.

Gun Owners of America Political Victory Fund is fully committed to Howard Kaloogian's candidacy.

As in most open-seat races, the candidate field will be crowded and early support is crucial.

GOA supporters have come through in the past. With your help, over 15 GOA supported candidates won in the 2004 congressional elections.

Now we have an opportunity to improve our numbers even more.

I urge you to support Howard Kaloogian for Congress. You can contribute at http://www.kaloogianforcongress.com on the web.

Even if you don't live in his congressional district, it is important to help Howard Kaloogian. We need more people to join forces with the pro-gun stalwarts we have now in Congress, not only to defeat the numerous gun control bills that come up for a vote each year, but also to ROLL BACK the unconstitutional gun control laws now on the books.

GOA lobbyists work with Congressmen each year to introduce legislation to repeal virtually every gun control law. We have many supporters, but we need many more if we are to succeed.

I have absolutely no doubt that Howard Kaloogian will be among the most ardent supporters and defenders of your Second Amendment rights.

Please help Howard Kaloogian today. This election is coming soon (within 120 days after the state's Governor calls for the election). Your early support will help him to line up the volunteers he needs, put out mailings, pay for signs and do the work necessary to win a congressional election.

Your contribution of $100, $75, $50, $35 or even the legal maximum of $2,000 will go a long way toward putting Howard Kaloogian over the top.

Please go to http://www.kaloogianforcongress.com to make a contribution today.

Or, if you prefer to send a check, please print the reply form below and mail it directly to the campaign using the address provided. Checks should be made payable to "Kaloogian For Congress."

Howard Kaloogian is 100% on our side concerning the Second Amendment. As a legislator, he earned an "A" rating based not on words alone, but on his actions.

Working together we will send Howard Kaloogian to Congress, where he will be a leader and trusted fighter for the Second Amendment rights of all Americans.

I hope that I can count on your strong support.


Larry Pratt
Executive Director

************** GOA-PVF Clip-and-Mail Reply Memo ******************
Howard Kaloogian
Kaloogian for Congress
P.O. Box 1863
Sacramento, CA 95812

Name & Occupation _______________________________________________



Phone # _________________________________________________________


___ Yes, I want to contribute to your campaign. Enclosed is my
check for ____$35, ____$50, ____$100, ____$250, Other $________.

___ Please charge the above amount to my credit card: Visa,
MasterCard, American Express

Name on card __________________________________________________

Card Number __________________________________________________


___ Yes, I would like to volunteer. Please have the campaign
contact me.

Paid for by Gun Owners of America Political Victory Fund. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Gun Owners of America Political Victory Fund is a Project of Gun Owners of America
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