Good Comebacks

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Q: Why do you carry a gun? Do you like to kill?

A: No, I like to LIVE! Obviously you don't carry. Can I assume you hate LIFE?

Per Ron White: That'll shut 'em up!.............for a minute!

when anti's ask why i have or carry guns?

why the interent in my guns all of a sudden? You looking to convert? :neener:
Reminds me of a great bumper sticker that I used one time in a conversation.

"Guns kill people!"

"Right, guns kill people like spoons made Rosie O'Donnel fat."

My usual line is, "I carry because I can." If someone can't let it go after that simple explanation, then I lay on the sarcasm.
When asked a question, you should answer with a question.

It's an old sales tactic.
A pastor at a church I attended some time back actually commented on this discussion technique a few times. It was used by the ancient Jews in theological discussions. Basically you'd have to know a whole bunch about a subject to be able to respond with a question to everything being asked of you.

Works well in all sorts of areas. I need to remind myself of it more often, personally.


Why do you carry a gun?
Why wouldn't I carry a gun?
Well, they're dangerous.
What makes them dangerous?
Well, they could just "go off!"
When was the last time you saw a news report of a properly holstered gun "going off?"
Uh, well... they're still dangerous.
When was the last time you saw a news report of an unarmed person being attacked?

... etc.
Being in LE, I have a slight advantage, but some have questioned why I carry off duty, my response is -

Do you know rule #1 in Law Enforcement?

I go home at the end of my shift, trip, or whatever.
16 reasons

Sixteen Reasons You
Should Buy A Gun

1. Your right to keep and bear arms is guaranteed in the Constitution and Bill of Rights of the United States of America.

2. George Washington said: "Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself. They are the American people's liberty teeth and keystone under independence..."

3. Jesus said: "If you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one..." (Luke 22:36 NIV)

4. The Dali Lama said: "If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun."

5. Some people like to hunt and eat game instead of hamburgers.

6. People without guns are assaulted or murdered daily by criminals who have guns. Law-abiding citizens with guns are better able to defend their families from armed criminals than citizens without weapons.

7. If gun ownership is made illegal, criminals won't turn in their guns. Gun control makes easy prey out of law-abiding citizens.

8. Think about it: The police can't come to help you until AFTER the crime is committed, and someone reports it. Hopefully you are still alive to report.

9. American courts regularly return violent criminals to the streets to do their crimes again.

10. Guns in the home are safe, if gun owners keep guns responsibly. More children die every year in swimming pool accidents than in gun accidents. Just the same, there is no excuse for gun owners who are careless!

11. It is a fact that armed American citizens prevent two million crimes every year with their guns. But you won't learn this from watching TV.

12. Self-defense is more honorable and better for society than being a victim.

13. It is a fact that cities which impose strict gun control create the highest assault and murder rates in America. Cities which encourage citizens to own guns create lower crime rates.

14. It is a fact that most gun crimes in America involve gangsters shooting other gangsters. Crime by licensed gun owners is virtually non-existent.

15. It is a fact that thirty-eight states issue permits to their citizens to carry concealed handguns. People who get permits take gun safety classes, and have extensive criminal background checks. These people make society a little safer, wherever they may be.

16. The "War on Terror" is likely to be a long war. People who own guns, and who are trained to use guns responsibly, are better able to serve their country than people who are ignorant about guns.

Eleven Excuses for NOT Owning A Gun

1. I'm too busy to take the time to learn how to handle a gun safely.

2. I believe that all guns are evil, even in the hands of the police and soldiers.

3. I would rather let a criminal kill me or my family than try to stop him with a gun.

4. I believe it was wrong for America's founding fathers to use guns to overthrow the rule of the British. We should have stayed a colony.

5. I believe it was wrong for American soldiers to use guns to rescue innocents from the Nazi death camps.

6. I believe that I will never need a gun to defend myself or my family, because the police will be constantly watching over me to make sure that I will never be in danger.

7. I trust our courts to keep violent criminals off the streets.

8. If our government decides to make all gun owners register every gun they have, and then if our government decides to confiscate all privately owned guns, I still don't think we have anything to worry about. I know other countries have become dictatorships, but that could never happen in America.

9. I don't know much about the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and I don't have any desire to learn more. I've heard that the 2nd Amendment guarantees the right of Americans to keep and bear arms, but I really don't care.

10. Quite a few criminals have used guns, therefore the government should take guns away from all the good people who don't commit crimes.

11. I don't care if my grandchildren will grow up in a free America. Things are pretty good right now, and that's all I have time to concern myself about.


It is true that the odds that a gun owner will ever need to use his/her gun in self defense are low. Owning a gun is like having fire insurance or health insurance. You hope you will never need it, but you have it just in case. It is better to have it and not need it, than to need it, and not have it.

On the other hand, it is not so unlikely that our nation will someday be in danger of becoming a dictatorship in which the Bill of Rights becomes a thing of the past. We are living in dangerous times, different from any we have experienced before. It is not difficult to imagine that the President, or Congress, in a well-meaning attempt to capture terrorists, would take steps that would nullify the Bill of Rights almost overnight. This would be a catastrophe, and the end of the free America we have known for over 200 years.

The only way to retain our Constitutional rights is to USE them. By owning guns, American citizens are taking a concrete step in support of their rights, and hopefully preserving those rights for future generations. It's just a small step, but it's important. Don't you think you owe it to yourself, to your family, and to America's future generations, to buy a gun?
GFW - "Why do you carry?"
Me - "Because the police can't protect everyone. Maybe if Superman was around it would be a different story." (i doubt it)

GFW - "Why dont you let the police carry the guns and be in charge."
Me - "Alright, they can be the ones who put my the tag on my toe."
Something tells me

It occurs to me that responses to GFWs should be leading questions.

They don't want to hear about "rights" or the constitution, they wanna hear about "social contracts" and "common good."

Yes, I know there can be no "common good" without good for the individual, but they really do tend to see things collectively.

So how about something on the sort of I carry a gun so I can defend myself while on 911 hold, or waiting for the police, what would you do?

Or the police only come after a crime is reported, I want to be alive to report the crime, and you?

There are many good responses to this question, but to avoid the inevitable "good vs evil" debate I would probably answer: "to keep my pants from sliding up under my chin".

"Are you sleeping?"

Are You a Hunter?

Since I live in CA I get this one a lot. They ask it with great disdain.
My Reply "Don't worry, your safe, turkey season isn't open yet."
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