Good Deed for the ??

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Dec 26, 2002
Kansas City, KS
Had some fun the other day. Went into a newly opened discount/used bookstore to have some fun browsng.

What do my eyes come upon? Several copies of Micheal Belliselles book sitting in the Non-Fiction part of the store.

I immediately took a copy to the people running the place and explained that they had it in the wrong place. Being that it was largely a work of fiction it had no place in the non-fiction section.

I also explained that the author had been fired from his job and had lost the Bancroft Prize over the misrepresentations of said book.

The nice people who run the place immediately removed the offending books from the shelf.

So, How long is that good deed good for??:D
I'm envious. At the local Borders Books&Music, they keep putting books that are clearly labled Fiction in amongst the books in the History section. Their excuse is that those books are 'historical novels' and are of similiar interest. I guess that this may be the reason why they have Mickey Moore's books in the 'Political Science' section, which itself is populated exclusively by books that scream that the Left/Communists are all traitors, and the Right/EvilNaziFacists are destroying this country.
Wow. Good work but I'm also surprised that the book is still on a shelf. Guess they've got space to fill. Now, we've got to get the Mikey Bros (Bellesiles & Moore) on that same good ship called Exile.
Maybe you shoulda put it in the porno section of the periodicals because it's pretty much trash people look at just to feel good :p
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