Good first trip to the range- Politeness pays off

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One of these days, I've just gotta finish my "How to take a woman to the range" handbook... Maybe that will be my xmas gift to all..

Great job though. Did you double up on the hearing? To me, that is the most critical, more so than caliber... The "felt" recoil is proportional to what she "hears".

Plugs + muffs = less intimidation!! I find the 99 cents orange plugs are not too bad, and more comfortable than my long-term rubber plugs for first timers..

Also, if you can on a semi-auto, break it down and let her know all the parts and how they work. 4 rules are GOOD. 1 person giving instruction at a time only, and never rush.

Score one for our camp..
You done good. Did you have her load the guns, too? I always think that's a good idea, at some point in the "lesson," just to eliminate some of the "mystery."
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